Good morning, does anyone have any experience with ‘Stiff Push Poles’ or similar tools for the same purpose? It is becoming more likely that these will become a requirement for one of our ships on charter in Brazil. Prices seem high. Any feed back about suppliers or any user reports would be helpful. See link
They work very well. They are very expensive. The crew loves to leave them lay on the deck so that when they float, as they easily do, they go right over the side through the scuppers.
A client I used to work for was using these at their shore base, and was talking about getting the boat to buy them. For the price I would rather not. That is unless we can number and issue them to specific people, and when it gets lost or destroyed by negligence they can pay for it. I can hear a vgm’s voice already the first time one goes over the side…
Many drill rigs use them to comply with hands free lifting policies. I see them used daily by the Crane and Drill Crews. They even trip pipe with them! There were moans and groans at first but now they’re common place and work well. I believe the client pays for ours, deep pockets, so the keep a few Fwd, Aft and on the Drill Floor.
I used the ones that are pictured for $478 back when I worked on deck and our boat was under contract with SHELL. They sent them down from the Rig for us to use. When we went off contract they said they wanted them Back because they paid $300 apiece for them back then, 3 years ago.
They are far superior to any other push poles I have every used. They work like a champ also. They are great handling cutting boxes, pipe, risers… you name it. I just requested from Chevron that they supply our ship with them last hitch. I doubt we will see them but it beats a damn stick with a paint roller screwed on the end of it. LOL!!!
I always felt like I was in a joust match with those hand guards, that was so cool.!!!
Oh the Deck crew will want the ones with the double hand guard. They are not as long as they look in the picture. The hand guards were a piece of crap and will come loose pretty quick but the pole and the push end seemed to be unbreakable.
We utilize the SHT2. Like anything else, at first everyone bitched but as time goes on and comfort levels increase, hands get used to them and in the end make better use of them as our incidents of hand injuries, etc went down. You think it’s easier to just grab that piece of steel, but after using stiffly sticks for a while now, easier to use them