I’m going to davis marine or river school to get my stersmans lic march 5th,are their any company’s looking fo a steersman pos.? I’m currently a mate @ TVT, would love to stay here, but have to wait for steersmans job, after they find someone to replace me? So I’m on the look? Will relocate to anywhere, have 6 years mate exp. Upper,lower,il,missiori,ohio,tenn.
Any sugestions on who to call? need off deck?
Seems to be a big bottle neck going from deck to wheelhouse?
OR should I just start saving for retirement, and not waste my money
Don’t understand. You are a mate at TVT? Why do you need your steerman license? Or are you an ‘unlicensed mate’? You’re looking for a pilot job?
I don’t know of any company in this economy who hires JUST apprentice steersman. You have to do this on your own. There is a mixture of job descriptions and nomenclature here. This is one of the problems with the industry.
Sorry should have been more clear. I’m a brown water mate. No lic required. Yes I’m wanting to be a inland pilot. Just looking for a small company to steer me,