I’ll try to keep things simple…
I’m a U.S citizen sailing as a 3rd engineer under the Norwegian flag.
I hold a valid STCW OICEW with over 180+ days of seatime on vessels over 20,000+ HP.
What would i need to do to sail on U.S flagged vessels with my international license?
All training and courses were done in Norway.
Or since you are a US Citizen you can just apply for a US License. That might actually be easier
Apply for a US engineering license. Depending how you got your current license you may not qualify for a 3rd Assistant license so wait until you have at least 360 days sailing as an engineer and apply for 2nd Assistant license.
You will have to retake all of your STCW courses at USCG approved schools.
It is your decision but I really wonder why do you think about it?
In my opinion you’re going to face;
-less opportunity to assignment
-lees chance for promotion
-less salary
-worst conditions of work
-more technically backward vessels
-very expensive professional trainings
-very complicated system of professional credentials.
Have I missed something?
It is as jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
The United States does not recognize certificates issued by other flags. You will have to meet the requirements for original U.S. documents.
Although the regulations cited permit the U.S. to recognize other parties’ certificates, the U.S. is not currently doing so. The regulations do not mandate that the U.S. recognize other flags’ certificates.
The U.S. recognizes sea service on other flags’ vessels under a foreign certificate. You can use time as 3rd Assistant Engineer under a Norwegian license to qualify for a U.S. national endorsement (license) as Second Assistant Engineer.