SSO/MMR Post Grad Opportunity

Good morning all,

I am very desirous of becoming part of the Merchant Marine Reserve. I am in my Junior year at my Academy and was told that it may be too late to join through my school program. If all goes as planned I will graduate in the spring of 2019 with my 3rd Mate Unlimited license. I am willing to take the required naval science classes if such an opportunity exists. If it is too late to join through my school is there anyway I can join after I graduate?




From my quick search it looks like it is difficult to enter the SSO Program after you have graduated. In reading the SSOP Application it says the deadline to apply is the end of the fall semester of your sophomore year. To confirm call the NROTC unit there on campus. On the face of it, sounds like your are SOL.

Mr./Miss Maine Maritime,
It appears that according to the Navy, one can direct commission if they “possess an active USCG unlimited officer credential at the
minimum level of a second mate or second assistant engineer with current STCW endorsement,
and are employed in a position deemed mission useful by COMNAVRESFORCOM”

In your case that would mean you would have to graduate, upgrade your license, and hold a position, likely shipside, in order to be considered for a SSOP commision.
This path will take some work, and the path to get there will likely be frustrating, but your opportunity to serve your country is not closed.
Best of luck in your endeavors. 1534.1E.pdf (155.6 KB)

As someone who has dealt with this recently, they want either a Chief Mate license or 2/M with a postgraduate degree. Also, they don’t have any slots (other than academy kids) this fiscal year.

Thank you all for the help!