Shipyard news

PS> But is it likely to make any difference for US Shipbuilders?

And while we are on the subject of South Korean shipbuilding:

Seatrium (ex Semb Corp) has lost in court again:

A bit confusing re; Aksastor and MHWirth relations:

The operating company is now called HMH:

The history of HMH goes back to 1895, with a lot of purchase, mergers and JVs since then:

Source: About HMH - HMH

Anybody here with some useful suggestions to help the Government solve this problem?

Not only in the US:

Shipyards in Italy, France, Germany and Finland are still leaders in the construction of large cruise ships.

The former leading shipbuilding nation in the world is also in steep decline:

Ask Scotland if they have any advice:


Korean shipbuilding is also booming.

A specialized “shipyard” of sort to be constructed from scratch and put into operation in the fourth quarter of 2025:

PS> See comment from Gerry Duggan below the article:

COSCO place giant order for bulkers at COSCO shipyards for leasing to COSCO owned companies:

Shipbuilding is also active in the news this week:

I wonder how that will work?
Will it apply ONLY to Chinese newbuilt ships registered under Canadian (and US/EU) flag, or to those owned by Canadian (US/EU) companies under FOCs?
What about second hand ships and newbuilt ships ordered before such rules are in place?

Does that sound familiar?

PS> Should other countries pass similar tarifs on say aircrafts etc.?

Meanwhile China is consolidating it’s shipbuilding capabilities:

Japanese shipbuilders are also increasing their capacity, but abroad:


Looks like China is reacting to the 100% tariff on EVs:

PS> That is an old picture, since the “Mariner” was scrapped several years ago: