This pretty much sums up his state of mind/
Posted 23 October 2009 19:47 Hide Post
Then he said this:
I would like to respectfully contest what you have said here. I’m not bragging but stating as fact that I am the world’s most experienced ship rammer. I have been ramming ships since I first knocked the pirate whaler Sierra out of business in July 1979.
I fully understand the physics and the mechanics of ramming a ship. I know where to hit it and how to hit it to avoid causing injuries. When 1,000 tons of steel collides with 1000 tons of steel at a correct angle, the mass or volume of the metal being struck and the metal striking absorbs the shock of the impact and never in any of the many number of ship rammings have we ever knocked a person off their feet. I never strike a ship where there is an accommodation or fuel compartment and I never strike where crew are standing. I once aborted a deliberate ramming on a Japanese driftnetter because a crewmember was not moving from the position where he was standing. As for sinking whalers, we only sink whaling ships without anyone onboard.
Is ramming a pirate whaling ship moral or legal. It is legal unless charges are laid and I’ve never been charged with a crime in relationship to a ship ramming. As for moral, it depends on your point of view. An anthropocentric would argue that it is immoral but a biocentric would maintain that it is moral. I personally don’t care what the anthropcentrics think of what we do.
So we stand by to ram if need be if that is what it takes to save the lives of these gentle, intelligent, socially complex, self aware wonderful sentient beings we call whales. -Paul Watson
And some more
1972 Iran Founder Paul Watson spends two weeks in jail. Espionage
1977 Seattle WA Founder Paul Watson spends one day in jail. Trespass
1980 Quebec Canada Founder Paul Watson spends ten days in jail. Breaking the Canadian Seal Protection Act
4/83 Quebec Canada Founder Paul Watson spends ten days in jail. Conspiracy to break the Canadian Seal Protection Act
12/83 Quebec Canada Founder Paul Watson spends ten days in jail. Conviction for conspiracy to break the Canadian Seal Protection Act
1989 Iceland Founder Paul Watson spends one day in jail. Charges not laid
6/1/92 Lofoten Islands Norway Two activists claim guilt for sinking the Norwegian whaling vessel “Nybraena” while in port. Both are sentenced to 120 days in prison in absentia. Shipwrecking, other unclear charges
1993 Newfoundland Canada Founder Paul Watson spends five days in jail. Mischief
3/31/94 Bremerhaven Germany One activist arrested by harbor police for an incident related to the ramming of a Norwegian Navy vessel. Authorities fail to extradite him and the charges are dropped. Attempted Shipwrecking
3/31/94 Amsterdam Holland One activist arrested in Amsterdam and held in Lelystad penitentiary for extradition to Norway. Charges were related to the sinking of a Norwegian whaling vessel. Charges not clear
1995 Newfoundland Canada Founder Paul Watson spends ten days in jail. Accessory to mischief
1997 Germany Founder Paul Watson spends one day in jail on Norwegian Interpol warrant. Sinking a ship.
1997 Netherlands Founder Paul Watson rearrested on Interpol warrant (see above) and spends 80 days in jail awaiting extradition hearing. Sinking a ship.
1/14/02 Conway Ireland Webpage states 40 activists stage a protest in front of Stephens Inc. building decrying their relationship with Huntingdon Life Sciences. Charges not clear
4/22/02 Puntarenas Costa Rica Arrest warrant issued for an activist in relation to an altercation with the Costa Rican fishing vessel “Vacadero”. Attempted murder, destruction of property
5/10/02 Puntarenas Costa Rica New charges leveled against one named activist and the crew of the “Farley Mowat” related to April 22 altercation. Attempted shipwrecking
11/17/03 Taiji Japan Two Sea Shepherd activists arrested after diving into a bay and releasing pilot whales before they could be killed by fishermen. Interfering with commerce
03/31/05 Charlottetown, PEI Canada Ten “crew” of the ship Farley Mowat are arrested for interfering with the seal hunt. Violating Fisheries Act regulation regarding distance to be kept from seal hunt.
Again,… absolute Moron, with no regard for the law.