Last night decided to sit and watch an episode of this show. Whale Wars, Viking shores. I understand why they feel how they do as a conservation group, but they seem to break laws constantly, including trying to smuggle equipment past another nations customs security. Seems that Captains have no concept of Maritime law, or the responsability a captain has to its crew and vessel.
I am curious as to how some of you feel about this org.
Not to mention theyre crew members have no experience whatsoever. There was one episode where a young kid was hired as a “radar operator” and was only just learning what a radar was once he got to the boat.
Also in the very first episode ever, they were lowering theyre small boat over the side and it flipped over throwing everyone in the water. Complete idiots…
I would love to give my opinion but that’s too much typing.
understandable Master, just a thumbs up or down then?
Sea Shepard = pirates it’s as easy as that and they should be treated as such. Saving the whales and dolphins or whatever is a noble pursuit but they need to do it in a legal fashion. Trying to disable ships on the high seas is piracy IMO.
Good cause but those guys are a friggin menace on the high seas. You have to think the average person watches that and thinks all seaman are like that. Then that turns into no wonder you guys are blowing up oil rigs and flipping cruise ships over.
[QUOTE=Capt.Felix;68321]understandable Master, just a thumbs up or down then?[/QUOTE]
Thumbs up for the cause and a BIG thumbs down for the seamanship.
For me the issue is how a seasoned Master KNOWINGLYand routinely hazards the lives of the young and dumb - who, in spite of their ‘noble’ cause have NO CLUE what’s dangerous or not - HE DOES and gambles with them. THAT is unconscionable to me. Wanna place YOUR life in danger? Cool? Someone else’s who doesn’t even KNOW what’s at stake though…
He’s a FUCKBAG of the FIRST order and I refuse, REFUSE to turn it on and even scoff at it as it MIGHT indirectly fund their cause
[QUOTE=Fraqrat;68330] You have to think the average person watches that and thinks all seaman are like that. Then that turns into no wonder you guys are blowing up oil rigs and flipping cruise ships over.[/QUOTE]
Good point . Sure, we are blowing up oil rigs and flipping cruse ships over. At least professional mariners recognize when things are not going the way they should. Watson on the other hand seems oblivious. No matter how poorly things go, Watson is as pompous as ever.
First of all the guy is not a real Captain. Secondly everyone of them are pirates and should be treated as such. Any mariner who thinks differently should leave the business. These guys routinely crash into other vessels, they board other vessel, and then claim to be hostages. The guy who acts like a captain was also the same guy who co founded Greenpeace who also protest oil rigs and oil tankers. Today the are fighting for whales and tomorrow they will be boarding our vessels and harassing most of us. They are noting but hippie ass idiots who need to get off the water. Just because they think their cause is a noble one does not give them the right to put lives in danger like they do everyday
Well I think they do have the right to die if they wish, but yes, I agree that they take laws and turn them to make it look as if they are doing the right thing when indeed they act against laws
[QUOTE=Capt.Felix;68338]Well I think they do have the right to die if they wish, but yes, I agree that they take laws and turn them to make it look as if they are doing the right thing when indeed they act against laws[/QUOTE]
I am not talking about them. I could care less if they die doing what they do. But they do not have the right to put the lives of the crew members of other ships they are protesting against.
[QUOTE=brjones;68337]First of all the guy is not a real Captain. [/QUOTE]
As much as it might stick in your craw, the guy has been in command of the organization’s ships for over 30 years, that should be long enough to use the title of master or captain. How long have you had a command at sea?
It’s like crazy Eddie used to say “Save the whales and harpoon the fat chicks!”
[QUOTE=Steamer;68340]As much as it might stick in your craw, the guy has been in command of the organization’s ships for over 30 years, that should be long enough to use the title of master or captain. How long have you had a command at sea?[/QUOTE]
Dont give a shit. He is not a real captain. You can kiss his ass as a real cap all you want
Agreed! He is a master of public relations though.
[QUOTE=rshrew;68345]Agreed! He is a master of public relations though.[/QUOTE]
This is true. I met him about 15 years ago as he was recruiting at the academy. I thought he was full of it, but he had a few other cadets ready to go fight his cause
Well if I was single… No I would not but there are a few good looking gals on those boats ha ha
I hear ya br
@ brjones Don’t hold back…say what you really think about the guy.