RFPNW , it is possible

RFPNW is finally in my wake, 10 months later, untold volunteer days on different vessels,extra watches, the signing of assessments…etc has finally paid off…

I still shake my head in disbelief at the whole process, for an endorsement that is so elementary in substance but so important to the career of a hawsepiper…

Important information concerning your credential "INTERNATIONAL ENDORSEMENT, Reference Number: xxxxxxxx and Application ID: xxxxxxxx from the National Maritime Center.

Your application has completed the evaluation process and is approved for issuance. Unless you provided the Coast Guard with a request for delayed issuance, you should receive notification within one business day indicating that the credential was issued.


National Maritime Center

Congratulations Shellback,That is no small amount of work.

The training should be updated,they really do make it harder than necessary to achieve the results.Good luck,I sincerely hope this pays off for your hard work.

Nice one!!! Shell
that’s a huge hurdle and most dont know how tough it is!
i think it’s the little things that are more difficult in todays MM.
i almost forgot Bravo Zulu…

Congratulations Kelly on a job well done,
…U Da Man!

Congragulations. That quite an accomplishment. Now your’re all set to get plenty of job offers (at least that’s what they told me when I got the RFPNW…)

The process is STUPID!! You should have been exempted from it and given RFPNW from the jump, IMHFO.:cool:

[quote=Jeffrox;28441]The process is STUPID!! You should have been exempted from it and given RFPNW from the jump, IMHFO.:cool:
Oh, BTW, CONGRATS!!![/quote]

Thanks guys, I’m just glad it’s over…On to bigger and better things now…

Jeff a special thanks to you, talk about a good guy…While researching a question for me, he ended up reading all of Policy letter 14-02…I feel very bad for that, that was time out of his life that is gone for ever and he gained so little in exchange…

Jeff, thank you and I am very sorry for your loss…:wink: