Rescue sling

I read an article in the local paper about a “protected workplace” for people with various forms of handcaps in the local municipality of Sula, near Ålesund.
Started 31 years ago as a laundry for local heath and social institution, with only a dozen employees, it has venture in several different products (incl. maritime related) and now with 70 employees. It has become both successful and even profitable.

This part caught my eyes:


That raised my curiousity and I found this site:

Apparently they produce some parts of this product, incl. the “boat hook”:

PS> Has anybody here come across this product?

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Not that particular one but we used a Seasafe product called a Matesaver on the pilot boats. Similar idea.

This is a variant from the same manufacturer:

Also using components made by Sula Vekst AS

PS> THis is commonly found on fishfarms and their service vessels, as well as other small vessels with low freboard.