[QUOTE=ChiefRob;175636]Sorry to hear you are leaving the industry, I wish you the best of luck in your new venture, but I would keep that license valid though, young feller.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I kept mine valid for over 10 years after I came ashore. . . . don’t any more, though.
You will need Leadership and Teamwork, this is an operational level class, DDE 4000 and RFPEW are operational levels, if you hold a chief or a first, which are managerial level, then you would need Engine room resource management, Leadership and managerial skills, and MEECE.
[QUOTE=caldwell275;186123]You will need Leadership and Teamwork, this is an operational level class, DDE 4000 and RFPEW are operational levels, if you hold a chief or a first, which are managerial level, then you would need Engine room resource management, Leadership and managerial skills, and MEECE.[/QUOTE]
DDE is the sole engineer on a vessel, and thus is the chief engineer. DDE is management level, not operational level. RFPEW is the support level, it is not the operational level.
[QUOTE=less;186008]Thanks for everyone’s replies, I studied and went and tested at the REC.
I have a new question, and it’s Saturday so I can’t call the NMC.
I hold a dde 4000 and to my surprise I received the stcw OICEW limited to 4000HP except it says
not valid after Dec. 31.
I didn’t think I had enough seatime to be eligible for OICEW, so i didn’t research it.
What classes do I need to keep this endorsement valid after dec. 31?
Only Engine Room Resource Management and The Leadership class?
Or do I need to take others too?
My service started before March 2014.
I know this subject is all over the forum, but i was hoping someone could help me.
Engine resource management and leadership and TEAMWORKING skills are the two you need. Some schools are giving you Leadership and teamworking along with doing engine resource management, which would save you some money and an extra day in class.
Depending on where and whom you work for, you may be able to do an assessment with an approved assessor to meet the requirement for leadership and teamworking also, not sure.
Now, a lot of ddes have Chief OSV as well (I for one) if you have Chief Osv you will need leadership and MANAGEMENT aka HELM along with MEECE.
If you are only holding a DDE, less money and classes.
Keep your ticket “For Continuity Purposes”. I worked ashore in a shipyard 10 years, when I needed it my “continuity” license was ready to renew without any endorsements but I did get back to work on the water when I needed to most.
[QUOTE=catherder;186833]I hold DDE unlimited. I need MEECE too?[/QUOTE]
Been down this road before and I’ve been corrected, much to my chagrin.
What I do know is the main reason I did it was because I hold chief Osv in addition to my dde. Aren’t you an unlimited 3rd? I can tell you there were unlimited 3rds in my class.