Trying to make some sense out of this…
The minimum service required to qualify an applicant for an endorsement as mate of ocean steam or motor vessels of not more than 1600 gross tons is:
(a) Three years total service in the deck department of ocean or near coastal steam or motor, sail, or auxiliary sail vessels. Service on Great Lakes and inland waters may substitute for up to 18 months of the required service. One year of the required service must have been on vessels of over 100 gross tons.
I meet this requirement
One year of the required service must have been as a master, mate master or mate (pilot) of towing vessels, or equivalent supervisory position while holding a license or MMC endorsement as master, mate, master or mate (pilot) of towing vessels.
I meet this requirement as there is no tonnage minimum specified.
Six months of the required service as master, mate, master or mate (pilot) of towing vessels, or equivalent supervisory position must have been on vessels of over 100 gross tons;
This is the one I am having difficulty with…I hold 100 ton master and 200 ton mate NC, along with AB unlim…I work on a 300 Ton vessel…I don’t see where my credentials fit the category of " equivalent supervisory position"…
How does one go about filling this requirement as an AB?
One thought I have been having, is testing for 1600 GL/inl …After getting that license I could then have the company write my sea service letters as a " mate in training" The requirement just calls for 6 months service…In the meantime I will be taking the STCW OICNW courses for the Oceans endorsement…Would something like that fly?
(b) Three years total service in the deck department on ocean or near coastal steam or motor, sail, or auxiliary sail vessels of over 200 gross tons. Six months of the required service must have been as able seaman.
[CGD 81–059, 54 FR 138, Jan. 4, 1989, as amended by USCG–1999
I 'm just shy of a year on this requirement ,so it’s not an option at this time…