My Marine Radio Operator Permit (MP), was issued on 01/31/05 and has
an expiration date of 01/31/10. Checking the FCC website I found this:
[I]Term of License,[/I]
[I]An MP is issued for the holder’s lifetime. (Prior to March 25, 2008, [/I]
[I]the license term for an MP was five years. Any holder of an MP that [/I]
[I]expired prior to March 25, 2008, must still file an application to [/I]
[I]renew the permit within the five-year grace period after expiration.)[/I]
Reading this indicates that this license is now a lifetime license
and does not need to be renewed if it expires after March 25, 2008, as
mine does. Is my understanding correct? Also, will I need to send in
for a license that does not show an expiration date?
Thank you for your help, your advice is always appreciated.
I’m in the same boat, but think about it this way. If you ship foreign, and undergo a port-state inspection, try explaining it, say, to a Japanese official as to why your license is GMDSS license is expired. I’m definitely gonna get one with no expiration date. CYA!
This is an FCC issue, not Coast Guard. Jim may have some ideas for you, but I’d start with the FCC. You can (after jumping through some hoops) print copies of your license from their website. That’s one way to get a copy without an expiration date. Or, you can have them send you one.
[quote=Capt.Mac;12154]Chief Cavo,
My Marine Radio Operator Permit (MP), was issued on 01/31/05 and has
an expiration date of 01/31/10. Checking the FCC website I found this:
[I]Term of License,[/I]
[I]An MP is issued for the holder’s lifetime. (Prior to March 25, 2008, [/I]
[I]the license term for an MP was five years. Any holder of an MP that [/I]
[I]expired prior to March 25, 2008, must still file an application to [/I]
[I]renew the permit within the five-year grace period after expiration.)[/I]
Reading this indicates that this license is now a lifetime license
and does not need to be renewed if it expires after March 25, 2008, as
mine does. Is my understanding correct? Also, will I need to send in
for a license that does not show an expiration date?
Thank you for your help, your advice is always appreciated.
I gave Mary a call, and it is as I suspected. The license is now a lifetime license, but if your license shows an expired date, many companies and mariners are being cited as being out of compliance by un-informed USCG inspectors, even after they have shown the FCC explanation, this per Mary.
For $25, Mary will handle the paperwork and will get a license mailed to the mariner without an expiration date. All this is done by phone and is painless.
I just renewed my MP and it has no expiration date. In addition it states:
License authorized lifetime status pusuant to Memorandom Opinion and Order, Third Report and Order, and Third Further Notice of Proposed Rule making in FCC 06-129.
It is a lifetime license now. You do not need to turn in any paperwork to the FCC. If you are uncomfortable having an expired expiration date, you can update your information through the FCC website for free!! You will have to have your FRN or calling sign and know your password. If you do not know your password, you will need to set up a personal security question. You can do so by calling 877-480-3201 and chosing option 2. You can also go to If you need any further help, I work for Houston Marine, just give me a call Gretchen 504-468-4444