I have seatime that qualifies me for AB unlimited, and under the new temporary regulations that also qualifies me in terms of the sea time, for AS-D, and STCW RFPNW.
The one thing I think that is holding back my plan is the assessments. NVIC 14-14 Table A-II/5 for AS-D and also NVIC 6-14 Table A-II/4 for the STCW RFPNW.
The school I have been considering MPT, tells me they will sign off on most of my NVIC assessments but not all of them as part of their bundle of courses for AS-D. including PSC, STCW RFPNW, and other courses.
I am trying to figure out how I can obtain these. I have been trying to wrap my head around the official NMC coast guard documents, including of course the checklists for AS-D and STCW RFPNW and the NCIV 14-14, I’ll link below the NCIV 14-14 assessments.
My first question is:
On the AS-D checklist, it states under assessments “Provide evidence of meeting the Standards of Competence specified in Table A-II/5 of the STCW Code”
And in the NCIV document on page 69, it lists table A-II/5
From what I can tell reading this table on page 69, None of the assessments require them to be done onboard a vessel with a QA (qualified assessor) and lists options of completing assessments in a simulator or by examination. among other options.
On starting on Page 13 there it another table under the heading “assessment guidelines for AS-D”… Although it does note "The use of these Assessment Guidelines is not mandatory and alternative means of having achieved the standards of competence in the STCW Code will be considered.
But on this table, for example, Task 2.4.A regarding anchoring, it says under the column “Performance Condition” “On Board Ship”… Meaning the assessment has to be done on board a ship?
Should I just ignore this table and just be looking at the table on page 69? Table A-II/5, which is the minimum requirement listed on the AS-D checklist for assessments??
My second Question:
Does anyone know of any school that will help me meet ALL of the assessment requirements and sign offs for unlicensed AB unlimited, AS-D, & STCW RFPNW all in one go? Again I have the required seatime under the temporary sea time requirement changes for both the AB endorsements and the AS-D & RFPNW endorsements. I only need cg approved class education, exams and assessments signed off according to the checklists for AS-D and STCW RFPNW.
Third Question:
If I were to take the bundle of courses at MPT and get most, but not all, of my NCIV assessments done, How would I go about getting my remaining minimum assessments from able A-II/4 and table A-II/5 of the NCIV signed off by a Qualified Assessor without being onboard a ship with them? Is that even possible or am I reading the table A-II/5 wrong?? Or are there any entry-level type jobs I could get with National AB-Unlimited that I could work to obtain my NCIV assessments done for the international endorsements I’m after?
Appreciate anyone who is willing to read such a loaded post with so many questions. If anyone is familiar with current assessments and endorsement requirements or can read what I am reading and tell me if I am interpreting that right/wrong, this would be solid help for me.