I have been an Engineman first class with the navy for the past five years. I am applying for my merchant mariners credentials and I am slightly red green vision difficent. WILL I BE ABLE TO OBTAIN A Q.M.E.D. CREDENTIAL?
Read this. Most likely it will need further medical review. After you look at the document check page 73 and following pages.
[QUOTE=Snipemike;115096]I have been an Engineman first class with the navy for the past five years. I am applying for my merchant mariners credentials and I am slightly red green vision difficent. WILL I BE ABLE TO OBTAIN A Q.M.E.D. CREDENTIAL?[/QUOTE]
You’ll have no issues. I’ve got plenty of close friends, two of which have upgraded to Chief Unlimited, who are completely color blind. When we were in High school they bought Maroon hockey pants thinking they were blue.