QMED Oiler Training

I’m a os/wiper trying to get my QMED Oiler ticket. I just wanted to know if it’s true that there are QMED training that you can take and not have to test at the REC center? any good QMED training schools that you can recommend? any info would help. thanks in advance…

THere are a few courses approved to substitute for the QMED exams. As I recall, they are about 6 weeks long (I haven’t been involved in course approvals for 2 years). You can try to find info on the courses here, http://www.uscg.mil/nmc/approved_courses.asp. In addition to QMED, some may be called “FOWT” of “Fireman/Oiler/Watertender.” As it’s no longer possible to see the specific approval of any course on the NMC web page, before you commit, ask the school to give you a copy of the Coast Guard approval letter (not the certificate) for the course so you can make sure it’s approved for the exams you’ll have to take.

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Yes there are a few schools that offer QMED courses. The exams that you take within the school count as the REC exams. You need to have 180 180 days of seatime in the engine department before you qualifiy. Depending on the school you may get some seatime from the class. You can go to the National Maritime Web Site and look under approved courses to see which school are approved to teach the QMED courses. Here at Mid-Atlantic Maritime Academy we are approved to teach QMED FOWT (fireman, oiler, watertender) which is 4 weeks and you get 90 days of seatime. We are also approved for QMED oiler which is 4 weeks long. Please contact me if you have any questions about any courses or school. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you have.

Caroline Sturgeon
Director of Student Service
Mid-Atlantic Maritime Academy

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Thank you jdcavo and stargazer for the info, you guys are awesome! I will look into it right now…

Caroline maybe its under a different name but under your school on the NMC it doesnt list your QMED as being approved.