As for the story of Trump shutting down the Obama era safeguards that
would have been in place early to have been able to catch and protect us now, I’m seeing this on other message board:
lee (posted 3/19/20)
Polo - The Russian forgets Americas know Trump is the one at fault Trump Fired the Entire U.S. Pandemic Response Chain of Command in 2018
When Ebola broke out in West Africa in 2014, President Barack Obama recognized that responding to the outbreak overseas, while also protecting Americans at home, involved multiple U.S. government departments and agencies, none of which were speaking to one another. Basically, the U.S. pandemic infrastructure was an enormous orchestra full of talented, egotistical players, each jockeying for solos and fame, refusing to rehearse, and demanding higher salaries—all without a conductor. To bring order and harmony to the chaos, rein in the agency egos, and create a coherent multiagency response overseas and on the homefront, Obama anointed a former vice presidential staffer, Ronald Klain, as a sort of “epidemic czar” inside the White House, clearly stipulated the roles and budgets of various agencies, and placed incident commanders in charge in each Ebola-hit country and inside the United States. The orchestra may have still had its off-key instruments, but it played the same tune.
Trump killed the pandemic response system for the same petty, political reason he’s done so many other things that have wrecked the government — because it was established during the Obama administration:
In the spring of 2018, the White House pushed Congress to cut funding for Obama-era disease security programs, proposing to eliminate $252 million in previously committed resources for rebuilding health systems in Ebola-ravaged Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. Under fire from both sides of the aisle, President Donald Trump dropped the proposal to eliminate Ebola funds a month later. But other White House efforts included reducing $15 billion in national health spending and cutting the global disease-fighting operational budgets of the CDC, NSC, DHS, and HHS. And the government’s $30 million Complex Crises Fund was eliminated.
Given how quickly and easily the virus spreads — 30,000 infections have reported worldwide as of Feb. 7, 2020, up from just five cases a month ago — it is all but inevitable that the pandemic will hit the United States before spring.[/quote]
Recently Trump told Yamiche Alcindor, a White House Correspondent for PBS, that her asking him about this was just a
“Nasty Question”, and went on to say…“I don’t know anything about it”.
Everyone in MAGA Land Is Pitching Trump Their Genius Ideas on Coronavirus
Are the President’s Briefings about the Corona Virus to inform us of it’s status anything more than Political Rally’s at this time? Just using it as a campaign platform?
Top coronavirus doctor puts head in hands when Trump mentions ‘Deep State Department’ at briefing
Interesting how the text story seems to just disappear in some of these stories. (maybe it will come in for you) The gist of the story is that these…“ideas”…whether they help in solving the Corona Virus or not…it may help those suggesting them…financially.
Myself, I don’t know which is worse. Trump and all of his Cronies in Office, or the Corona Virus at large. But it will be far worse in America, as both will be an aggregate here.