Polar Tankers

Why are the Polar Tanker engineer positions perpetually advertised? I see various crewing agents posting the same jobs repeatedly over the last 2 years.

Check the Polar Code requirements for engineering .

Looks there is a shortage of eng folks with practical experience in polar regions.

But i could be wrong.

Hey this is pretty funny so far.

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Maybe they don’t reimburse for snow tires on the bicycle.

That’s not for Polar Tankers.


Ok I was sort of speculating. So what is it for.?

What you posted? No idea.

So what is for Polar Tankers?

The original post?

Polar Tankers is a US company that goes to Alaska.

What you posted is some other position by a foreign company to go to Antarctica.

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Ok .It seems to me there is some misunderstanding.

You think i posted the link with Nautulis job offer thinking it is the same as Polar Tanker ? It was not my intention and some including You thought it funny :wink: .

It would be very funny even ridiculous if it was my real intention which it was not. Prior posting i googled it and Polar Tanker popped up as first answer /link from where i saw it is trading to Alaska and it is US company .

Alias @Wasforkandblade is asking a valid question and he is very curious as He observed various crewing agents have been posting the same jobs repetedly over the last few years.

The answer to that is quite simple . There is a huge shoratge of personel with polar experience not only in your J.A. buble but world wide and the link I posted explains the requirements and reference to poplar code confirms these requirements even further and deeper.
Have You read it?
It applies not only to engineering aspects of ship operation but nautical too.

Is Alaska a polar region? I think part of it is .Correct me if I am wrong.

Would there be a growing demand for crews trained , experienced , properly aducated to operate vessels in now available for navigation polar regions ? Yes it would .

And surprise, surprise . Guess what is the nationality of seafarers having such valuable experience who can flood the world crewing market to satisfy this demand???

Here is a tip alias @New3M . The nationality You are so blindly biased against . :wink:

But to cheer You up I must admit i could have phrased my post differently as apparently it really looks like nonsense and I admit it with appologies for confusion thus created.

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Here’s a tip - you don’t need Polar Code stuff to go to Alaska.

And the answer to the original question? There’s no upward movement at Polar Tankers. So people get sick of it and leave, and then they need more people. So they advertise.

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This is a different Polar than the US flagged Polar Tankers (Conoco). Polar Tankers promotes from within, so it’s very doubtful they would hire a Chief Engineer straight on above the 1AEs waiting in the wings.

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I have noticed there are many things you do not need in your particular environment as long as you are US passport holder and it appears to be no news to bilions of this planet inhabitants.

If you have failed to notice , then i have also included a phrase " but I could be wrong" which seems to be completely foreign expression in your kind of "exceptional " environment fueled by well known hubris.

So i do not see any further reason to continue debating my post which I myself cathegorised as appearing like nonsense.

What else do You need me to do ?? Do a harakiri to satisfy your blood thirst at your quite rare moment of triumph. :wink:
Ejoy it as it may be your last :wink:

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In the context of that response, the phrase “I could be wrong” is known as a “false dilemma” and is used in propaganda as a means to camouflage falsehoods as temperate speech. It’s use is very common these days among members of a particularly abhorrent political and social subgroup.


Tucker Carlson was a master at that, ‘I may be wrong but…’
It was admirable how he sucked the under witted into false narratives though.Master propagandist.


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Your Sir advise and mentoring has always kept me in good spirit and saved from succumbing to acute depression if it was not sarcastic :wink: . Was it not ??? :wink:

Could consider such a comparison as an unintended complement untill i saw what follwed :wink:

The list of under witted , as per your opinion personalities, including known US scholars, known and respected internationally who present same narrative and opinions is quite impressive and i have presented it in one or two of the old posts.
As to masters propagandist nobody can beat your blinking Blinken in his last NYT interview. Goebbels, Beria and Stalin would surely give him a standing ovation . :wink:

Which is ???

If You even suspected i was capable of diving so deep into the intricasies of english language and communication techniques then i can yet again consider it a great compliment.

So many compliments from Forum top dogs in a barrage of cross fire is sort of overwhelming :wink: and prompts me to ask I think a valid question :

Why You all Gentleman have not been so elloquent in this case below and kept your mouths shut pretending nothing happened. Is it not a manifestation of double standards ??


4 posts were split to a new topic: Polar Regions

My “politically incorrect” gene just kicked in. “Polar Engineer” would eliminate most women because women can’t stand the cold. (Judging from my experience with my wife.) :grin:

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Looks like non BS stuff is not coming.

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