Pictures of Ships, Tugs, Off Shore Rigs, Barges, and those who work them

After X-mas and New Year 1989 the slipforming of the barrier halves commenced and went on through the cold dark winter. (Which I spent in warmer climes)

In Early summer 1989 the barrier had reached it’s full height and part of the top wall segments were put in place:

(The rest of the wall segments had to be installed offshore as the barrier had to maneuvered under bridges during installation)

Final step of preparations was to do a “test mating” to see that the two halves would actually fit together:

The largest fleet of large towing vessels ever used for one job was assembled in Aalfjord at midsummer. A total of 18 tugs, 9 for each half. (with one spare, just in case)

The first halve left just before midnight on mid-summers eve:

I was on the second half for the tow-out through the fjords and into the open ocean. Then making a wide arch to the NW of Ekofisk field and into the British sector of the North Sea due to a draft of 68 m. during tow. Tow-out weight for each half was abt. 230.000 m.t.

Weather enroute was perfect, with temperatures hitting over 20C.(Unusual for the N.S.)
We had a BBQ on the top slab during the tow:

How do you control 18 tugs simultaneously? The 4 Tow Masters (2 on each half) wrote down last order given to each tug on a whiteboard in our “control container”, while a time keeper kept records, sitting somewhere else. (There were three containers holding the various positioning equipments and technicians)

By the time we approached the Ekofisk Complex the weather had deteriorated and we had to hold for a few hours before making final approach:

The first half had already been positioned and set on bottom. Now for the difficult part; swinging the second half into position under bridges, using a “docking pin” as pivoting point, and “mating” the two with an allowed tolerance of 7.5 Cm. from ideal “0”.

Some of the tugs were used as “winch platforms”, meaning that they picked up a mooring wire from stationary points (Pile anchor) which was brought into a Smit bracket installed at the bow especially for this operation. Some other tugs were “active”. (I.e used as “ranging tugs” and escape)

Second problem was that the seabed was sloping towards the Complex from all direction due to subsiding from pumping out oil and gas, and the weigh of the Ekofisk Tank. (>1 Mill. m.t.)

Ballast had to be pumped into the cells during the approach to slide under the bridges, yet with a 1.0 m. UKC at all times to avoid damaging the pipelines running in and out of the Complex. (Did I mention that the Complex was producing and exporting at full blast during this operation??)

Despite all our “state-of-the-art” instrument, (incl. Lasar and Sonar) final positioning was done using a measuring tape and walkie talkies to give instructions to 7 boats and 2 fixed winches on the barrier .

We ended up 3.5 Cm. from the ideal “0”. Not bad when you consider that the total weight of the second half at that time had reached abt. 250.000 m.t.

Here is a picture I took of the gap between the barrier and the Ekofisk tank after positioning:

And a picture from some other source, showing the Ekofisk Complex with the barrier in place and completed:

It is still there today, but the Central Processing unit has been removed and both the tank and it’s barrier is of no importance any more:

I still maintain that this is the most complex (some may say crazy) Offshore Marine Operation ever conducted.


Yes Noble Denton was the MWS company and Peter D… was the Phillips Marine Representative.
Hope you and your friends enjoy the report of the tow out and installation. Lots of more interesting details, but this is not the place for those.

Here are some pictures of the Ekofisk Tank as it is today ( or 4 years ago since this photo was taken ) by a colleage of mine who these pictures of the Rockdump vessel ’ Nordnes’ from Ekofisk Radar Tower on the Hotel platform as we rock dumped some exposed seismic cable installed between the Tank and Hotel platform. It took us about 6 hours to do and we couldn’t have had better weather needed as you can see in the pictures. I could nearly lean out of the bridge of the Nordnes and touch the Tank.
FYI the removal of the topside facilities on the Tank consisted of cutting up piecemeal 24,000 tons of steel and shipping it ashore in half heights.
Today between the Barrier and the old Tank structure is a happy home for basking seals- I wonder if they know how much time , money and effort went into giving them a holiday home.

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Steamer- you’re right the Nordnes was the re incarnation of the Rocknes which sank with the loss of lives after hitting an uncharted submerged rock. I knew of its past when I went onboard but it was never mentioned and I never experienced any ‘spiritual’ feelings for the lost souls during the two or three trips I made on her.

Offshore vessels idle in Bergen:

Picture from Sysla.

PS> Those 8 Anchor Handlers you see in the picture are all over 20.000 BHP and under 10 years old.

Nice photo @ombugge thx

Thanks for nice pictures.
I don’t think the tank will ever be removed. It is probably still full of sludge and oily water. Together with the barrier, which have been filled with sand dredged up in the vicinity, the total weight should be well over 2 Mill. m.t.

As far as I know there were no jetting arrangement for the tank and definitely none for the barrier halves. Just to break suction and refloat them would be VERY difficult, costly and maybe impossible.

Nice picture of a Accommodation Platform in storm in the North Sea:

This is the self-proclaimed most advanced Accommodation Platform in the world, the Safe Boreas:

Have a look around:

That is quite a sight and a very large overhang over the sides of the HLV.

Wold’s first Offshore Fish Farm is arriving in Norway soon:øya

A few new Offshore Construction and Dive Support vessels that may be heading your way soon:

Technip’s new “Deep Explorer”:,dive-support-ship-is-really-an-offshore-constructor_49090.htm

Light Well Intervention vessels “Siem Helix 1 & 2”:,wide-beam-design-combines-riserbased-intervention-with-well-construction-capability_49044.htm

Heavy construction vessel “Seven Arctic”:,heavy-constructor-can-install-larger-components-with-ease_49046.htm

An Offshore vessel doing her job in a fjord in Norway:

It looks like quite an improvement on vessel type and technology since last time I was out on the good old Bucentaur taking core samples

Yes there are, but the good old Bucentaur is still doing her job, now for Fugro.
Don’t know if the still use the very simple and effective motion compensation system she originally was equipped with though.

Here is an even older core driller for Fugro, the Mariner, seen at Loyang Base, Singapore, 01. Oct. 2014:

Originally built for J.Lauritzen as the Kaisa Dan for the Greenland trade in 1962. The distance between frames below main deck was only a foot or so. On my last inspection she was still in sound condition. She had the same Dutch Captain for years, from her conversion to a geotechnical core drillier.
I believe she has been scrapped by now?

Correction: She is still alive, but heading for Chittagong right now:

PS> OK, she has probably been beach by now. She was a ship with character, but unable to compete with newer and better equipped vessels in today’s market. She will be missed by many who have had the honour of working on her, both in her days as an Arctic and Antarctic supply vessel and later as a mini -drillship.

The three Ostensjo LNG powered tugs built for service at Melkoya has been named in a ceremony in Hammerfest, Norway:

Some offshore jobs around the world as seen from AHT Retriever:

And a propaganda video from Herema:

BTW; some of the clips are from work done in the GoM. Can somebody pinpoint them??

The Iban Riggers are with them wherever in the world they work.

Some very specialized vessels are used to serve the fish farming industry in Norway. Here is pictures of some of them, starting with a modern Fish Feed Carrier, supply fish feed in bulk and on pallets directly to floating fish farm along the coast:

It is powered by LNG of course:

A large new Live Fish Carrier with a tank capacity of 3600 Cbm. with closed circulation and full water quality control under all conditions:

There is a bit to go to the load line when in ballast:

A smaller version, carrying fish from fish farm in the nearest district to be slaughter and exported fresh by air to the world market:

A service boat doing net cleaning and inspections by divers or ROV:

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A smaller service boat used mainly for diver and ROV inspection:

A former Scottish Standby boat (EERV) converted for delousing of Salmon with heated fresh water:

The fish is sucked out of a pens by vacuum pump, go through the process and is returned to another pen with a minimum of time and stress.

The deck is packed with equipment for this purpose:

An old Double-ended Car Ferry converted for the same purpose:

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Two new vessel had naming ceremony in Aalesund today:

The Kystbunker II will deliver fuel (MDO) and lub oil directly to the fishing fleet, or to shore based suppliers and serve the entire coast, from Bergen to Finnmark, a distance of over 1000 n.miles .
She was built in Turkey. She is 498 GT, 750 DWT w/twin Yanmar main engines. The crew consist of 4 for a total of 8 in two swings of 3 week each.
Here is a video from her sea trials:

The other one, Froy Harvest is a Fish Farm Service Catamaran of the latest design. The hull was built from aluminum in Poland and towed to Norway for final outfitting.
She is packed with equipment to cover a wide range of tasks, incl. anchor handling, net cleaning and ROV inspections:

She has a very young crew of 5, also in two swings of 3 weeks. The oldest is the Skipper, at 34. (front) All the others are below 30, with the youngest and Apprentice at 18.
Here they are:

My own pictures of these two vessels today:



An interesting video presenting the PSV Far Skimmer, built at STX Vung Tau, Vietnam in 2012:

Especially the introduction.