A tugs eye view of the Twin Towers


In memory of 9/11 I found this picture in my stash while I was home. It was original a 5X7, I had to get a photo shop to copy it and put it on a disc for me. I did not have a digital camera when this was taken. This is from the summer of 2000, little did I know this would be a historic photo some day.

Attachment 2322
"Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"
Added: Fixed below. Thanks for the image.


try this and see if it works this time

Thanks Chief, does that picture ever bring back memories.
There may be some Old Salts on board, or visiting, who might appreciate two pictures of the New York Waterfront. These pictures were taken by my KP sea year roomie on the day we were discharged from our ship, American-Export Lines SS [I]Examiner[/I], in late August,1960.


[QUOTE=Sweat-n-Grease;81824]Thanks Chief, does that picture ever bring back memories.
There may be some Old Salts on board, or visiting, who might appreciate two pictures of the New York Waterfront. These pictures were taken by my KP sea year roomie on the day we were discharged from our ship, American-Export Lines SS [I]Examiner[/I], in late August,1960.


Love both shots. The second one with the old Lakawanna ferry is outstanding.

Taken from the deck of my first tanker: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gcaptain/610856304/in/set-72157600463236364

[QUOTE=cmakin;81834]Love both shots. The second one with the old Lakawanna ferry is outstanding.[/QUOTE]

cmakin, I knew your would like that one. I like it too. My sea year roomie, a Deckie, who took these pictures, went on to sail for four decades, ending his long career as Captain, again, for decades. We communicate to this very day, little did we know, back then, we were experiencing the Golden Age. We thought it would last forever, we were young and happy souls.

[QUOTE=john;81841]Taken from the deck of my first tanker: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gcaptain/610856304/in/set-72157600463236364[/QUOTE]

Thank you, John.
I’d like to start a thread where all members are encouraged to post pictures of their vessels and/or rigs. I know I would appreciate it.I feel we all would.

[QUOTE=Sweat-n-Grease;81904]Thank you, John.
I’d like to start a thread where all members are encouraged to post pictures of their vessels and/or rigs. I know I would appreciate it.I feel we all would.[/QUOTE]

We had one for the first few years. The post was titled “Meet The Mates” and users posted a picture of their ship and a few lines about themselves. It was popular, so I’m not sure why it fell off the homepage but, yes, all we need is someone to mate the first post.


In memory of 9/11 I found this picture in my stash while I was home. It was original a 5X7, I had to get a photo shop to copy it and put it on a disc for me. I did not have a digital camera when this was taken. This is from the summer of 2000, little did I know this would be a historic photo some day.[/QUOTE]

I had to throw this up as our facebook cover photo today. Good stuff and thanks for posting.

[QUOTE=Mikey;82022]I had to throw this up as our facebook cover photo today. Good stuff and thanks for posting.[/QUOTE]

The name of the boat that was taken on was the Dixie Progress, and the barge was the DXE1640. Use them as you like mikey, your welcome