I am very interested in attending piney point and I was wondering if anybody could jot down a list of other places like PP where I can receive the proper training. Should I get my passport, TWIC, and MMD [B][I][U]BEFORE[/U][/I][/B] applying or will it make a difference on my acceptance?
Get your documents before hand, they are REQUIRED for acceptance. You wont get a start date without them. You are going to have to invest some money in TWIC ($132.50), Passport (?), and MMC ($145-ish). Not to mention 2 physicals, 2 drug tests, and a dental letter. One physical and drug test for the Coast Guard and one for the SIU. Oh, and uniform fees. The SIU medical and drug is $350 and the uniforms are $425.
Another apprenticeship program for people 24 years old and younger is the Tongue Point Seamanship Program run jointly by Job Corps and the Inland Boatman’s Union. It’s completely 100% free and you get out with an AB, QMED, or AB/QMED rating. Contact Job Corps (800) 733-5627 for more info. The only thing you need to pay for before hand is TWIC, which will be reimbursed upon arrival to Tongue Point.
i want to go to piney too but i have taken the siu test and the port agent of the hall here in puerto rico said i will call you to let you know if you pass the test i supposed that i failed cause i never received any call or letter i called to the office a couple of times and all what i get is don’t call we call you i called to admissions in piney point and they tell me to call the hall,please if somebody know anybody in piney point please help me cause here in puerto rico they doesn’t care for the people trying to start in this industry.
As of last week they have a wait list of over 300