Old style License

now that the USCG is issuing the new passport style MMC License does anyone know if/Where i can an old style one that looks like this with all of my info on itit would look good hanging on my wall

You’re SOL, sorry.

[QUOTE=dougpine;14769]You’re SOL, sorry.[/QUOTE]

Hey Doug, apparently you didn’t see my post under another thread:

Word on the street:
Capt David Stolfort (yep, the guy that signs the MMCs) said last week that he was surprised that nobody has started a business offering to print old style licenses, suitable for framing, for all those mariners that want one.

Clarification was asked for and he said that a mariner would still need to post the new MMC, but there would be no reason why somebody couldn’t hang a nice old style framed one in their den.

So, for all you entrepreneur types (John, are you reading this? This could be gCaptain’s next profit center), I just want a free one for passing on the idea.

There is obviously a market for that kind of stuff. Like those retarded “USCG licensed Captain” class rings, or whatever you want to call them.

You will never catch me with any of the crap. There was a guy with my company that had the ring, scramble eggs, and all of that - even more. I’m sure he would buy another license to hang on the wall, even if it’s a duplicate “for entertainment purposes only”, which law will most likely require to be printed somewhere.
Being that guy was probably the biggest idiot on the planet, and he had the ability to get all of the same crap that some business says that I’m entitled to for being a Captain - that kinda takes away the legitimacy of it all by being a professional mariner.

I’ll just do my job, and leave all of that crap to the birds.

disclaimer: I did scan a color copy of my MMC unlimited Master and expanded its size for hanging on the bridge under the glass cabinet for license display.:slight_smile:

*someone needs to make one up for “sir watson” of whale wars fame and mail it to him!

*would go good w/ that “chimp” suit of his!

*he probably already has a ring!

The only thing anyone needs to “make-up” for “Sir Watson” is a noose on one end, and an anvil on the other…could even add a monkey’s fist in there somewhere for the dramatic affect - for the camera.:smiley:

[B][U]the hempen jigg is too good for him!![/U][/B]

I just tried this: I used a scanned copy of an old license, imported it into Paintbrush Program, then changed the info on it. I am now a [U]Chief Mate of Star Fleet Vessels, Unlimitless, with license number 8675309[/U]. Those that want a “suitable for framing license” can do the same. Borrowing the license copy from someone if all you have is the MMC. If I could do it using that lame Paitbrush progam with my low graphics skill, anyone can do it. I don’t think one could make a business out of this as it’s too easy to do at home.:stuck_out_tongue:

[QUOTE=Jeffrox;14807]… with license number 8675309[/U]. [/QUOTE]

Great, thanks a bunch Jeff. Now I’ve got that damn song stuck in my head!

Jeff, it didn’t turn funky colors on you when you scanned it?

The older license issued in 2000 is a better scan than the one I scanned that was issued in 2004, they are also different in style and appearance as the USCG changed the stock they used. In any event, they looked ok scanned and when printed.
Chance 'em!