Hello a Buddy of Mine is working with HOS he holds a 3rd Mate Unlimited with Oceans but does not have his OICNW the Vessel is a 1600 ton and have been working this way for 5 years is this normal or is it a loophole that makes this ok?
I’m not sure what you are asking. Are you asking how to get the endorsement, or whether one is needed on that vessel?
If you are aksing whether you, I mean “your buddy” needs an STCW endorsement for that vessel, see 46 CFR 15.1103(a):
Onboard a seagoing vessel of 500 GT or more, driven by main propulsion machinery of 1,000 HP/750 kW propulsion power or more or on an international voyage beyond the boundary line as described in part 7 of this chapter, no person may employ or engage any person to serve, and no person may serve, in a position requiring a person to hold an STCW endorsement, including master, chief mate, chief engineer officer, second engineer officer, officer of the navigational or engineering watch, or GMDSS radio operator, unless the person serving holds an appropriate, valid STCW endorsement issued in accordance with part 11 of this subchapter.
Is your buddy sailing as 3rd mate? Last I checked HOS required its bridge officers to hold an OICNW endorsement.
lol Nice one Jdcavo No its not my license I only have My Master of towing and 500 Master But the question was he has been working as an officer has his 3rd Mate Unlimited With Oceans with II/3 and the vessel is over 1600 tons… So yes SteveDoon he’s been working under these conditions…
II/3 isn’t enough. He needs II/1.
My thoughts exactly…I told him the same thing. He gets a way with it though so idk…
II/3 is only valid for near coastal, and for vessels less than 500 GT (200 GRT). The endorsement in his MMC probably has that limitation.
There’s a chance that simply no one noticed. They see 3rd Mate Unlimited and they assume he’s good to go. If anything happens him, the captain, and the company are in for a world of hurt.