OICNW & Study Software Help

Can you submit a OICNW by its self and get that endorsement if your not a mate yet?

Whats the best study software out there for 1600 mate? I need something to hold my hand and teach me navigation…:confused:




















everytime i post something it puts all that fucking bullshit underneath it WTF???!!!

[QUOTE=GuLfOfStOnEy;110597]Can you submit a OICNW by its self and get that endorsement if your not a mate yet?..[/QUOTE]


You want to get a OICNW, 1600 mate, and want something/someone to teach you navigation?

As opposed to divining it himself like Kepler and Bowditch? Tell us mrdrew, how did you learn navigation? Did you learn the short cuts from “something/someone” like the rest of us just as the op wants to do now or are you Neptune’s gift to the seas?

yes i want to get a OICNW/1600 mate, i am teaching myself and studying and when i learn an assessment on the control sheet and feel i have become proficient in it i take it to my captain to get it signed off,( i thought thats how it worked?) hints why i asked if anyone had any recommendation on study software. but now i am curious to see how you learned navigation? please share.

As an engineer, I don’t even pretend to understand you deck guys, but what do you do now? Aren’t you at leat an AB? Don’t you stand a wheel watch? I thought this stuff was learned on the job. Some Captains/Mates are better teachers than others, but in the end the majority of your learning should come from your Officers. Schooling is to teach you how to answer the Loran-C questions that somehow still seem to be on the CG exams.

as an engineer you need to not worry about this post , and keep your ass in the engine room, i think they have a place for y’all on this site, you have no clue what your talking about. you almost sound as ignorant as that moron MRDREW.

[QUOTE=“GuLfOfStOnEy;111320”]as an engineer you need to not worry about this post , and keep your ass in the engine room, i think they have a place for y’all on this site, you have no clue what your talking about. you almost sound as ignorant as that moron MRDREW.[/QUOTE]

You need to not be such a dick. His post (txwooley) wasn’t insulting you but making a valid point. You won’t learn navigation completely from a book or study software, ask the officers on your boat to teach you or go to a class.

As opposed to divining it himself like Kepler and Bowditch? Tell us mrdrew, how did you learn navigation? Did you learn the short cuts from “something/someone” like the rest of us just as the op wants to do now or are you Neptune’s gift to the seas?[/QUOTE]

I get the impression that mrdrew thought the OP was saying he was ready for the license now, and wants to learn navigation after.

[QUOTE=“GuLfOfStOnEy;110597”]Can you submit a OICNW by its self and get that endorsement if your not a mate yet?[/QUOTE]

If you don’t have a US mate license why should you be given an STCW mate license?

What the hell kind of response is that! I tell ya what, go fuck yourself. It sounds like to me you are the idiot. Get the books, man up and start studying, then see if you can pass a USCG test. If you can’t do that then shell out the cash and attend one of the many schools on navigation. I’d not give you the “local mean” time of day if we were on the same boat with your attitude. Is that the way your normally speak to engineers? Yea, you better learn navigation as one day you may well be adrift and need it.

It was not my intention to start a bunch of mud slinging. Simply that some things are learned on the job and not through software or schools. Your Officers have a wealth of experience and usually wisdom. Take advantage of it.

i get the impression that your just as dumb as mrdrew, what kind of sense does that make? im ready for my license now and want to learn navigation later? come on man i know your smarter than that.

and fuck you too, all i did was ask for some helpful study software, im reading everything and learning everyway i can, just wanted to know if there was anything else that would help, and all yall just blast me with bullshit, thanks for the help! as i see know one posted any helpful info until mrdrew wanted to be a dick with his smart ass comment, then it was followed by another one so yes i said fuck it and started speaking my mind. i treat my capt. and engineers with the upmost respect, but yet they wouldnt heckle me for trying to better myself and asking a question. fuck all yall dicks that didnt have anything useful to post, kiss my ass!

I doubt you were speaking your mind, it seems you don’t have one. Enjoy your studying.

wow. I will tread more carefully on gCaptain.

To the original post - navigation is … pretty tough. You can learn the basics with a few books, but to be a safe navigator you also will need to practice those skills while underway. Be it working, or with school. I had two semesters of it in school, and I’m still learning new things.

Some books to look at: Duttons is excellent. For me Bowditch is a second excellent book. I think Duttons is a little more diluted and will give you a good idea of what to do. If you have a question about the finer points of some aspect of … anything nautical, my first stop would be Bowditch. But from your original question, I think Duttons would be the best bang for your buck.

I haven’t heard of any computer software that helps in teaching navigation.

Now that aside - USCG tests are pretty interesting. You should get your hands on some practice tests. Get the training charts, and a navigation kit. Do the practice tests and see if you come out with the right answers. If you don’t keep practicing.

Practice tests… I think I got mine off lapware.org. It’s a subscription service. For anyone who is going to be sitting for a USCG test, I highly recommend getting a subscription for the months leading up to that test. I’m 90% sure they have those practice tests in there as well. Can anyone else speak to that?

Good luck, with your test, and separating the wheat from the chaff on this thread!

And that my friend is exactly why you do not post this on the professional mariner forum! People are pissed off that instead of people going to the search function or searching the web everyone wants hand outs. With that attitude you seem very immature. That need not apply in the wheelhouse. I will rinse and repeat again. www.uscg.mil/nmc. There is a wealth of knowledge on this site to find the answers you seek. Navigation? Get the bible, it’s called the bowditch or you can get duttons. Otherwise go to the wheelhouse and learn. If your captain and mates do not want to teach you then you need to find yourself a different vessel or company.

All good info, actually what txwoodey and you gave him was good info. Most of us learned more onboard than in school. Onboard you get to put not practice what your classes taught. If he is coming here for info on learning navigation, then something tells me the people onboard have not been all that helpful. Hmm, wonder why? Attitude perhaps? I’ve grown tired of these types that think navigation can be learned over a weekend, and think in general being a mate or master is simply passing a test. Sailing as mate or master of any size vessel is learning to lead the crew toward a coming goal, , while dealing with all sorts of people and personalities, and the same time keep the big picture in focus. This guy thinks he is ready to be a mate, I think he has a long way to go if he ever gets there.

my bad, ive been busting my ass and thought i could get some good info from the old chaps, should have known i would have just got heckled, thanks for the good info, and sorry for getting pissed,