The “Picture of Ships, Tugs and Barges”-thread has become very long and diverse.
Time to have one thread dedicated to Offshore Vessels of all kinds, so I start one today:
PS> The rig does have three legs. I know because I have done a lot of rig moves on this rig, both in S.E.Asia and in India while she was owned by Reading & Bates and later Transocean.
Built at the Arnhemse Scheepsbouw Mij in 1975 as WIMPEY SEAFOX. In 1989 renamed GARGANO. In 1998 named ROO, followed by CHAMPION the same year. In 2001 renamed MASTERMAN followed by MASTER in 2004.
The vessel was spotted at the Aliaga breakers recently.
Photo: Selim San
Photo: Gerard Maijntz OCM Offshore Maritime Consultancy (Heavy Lift Representative for ROYAL IHC Kinderdijk NL) (c)
The pipelaying vessel SHEN DA HAO (IMO: 9870537 ) is an Offshore Support Vessel which is currently being built at the BEIHAI SHIPBUILDING YARD QIUNGDAO China for owner Shanghai Salvage Company Shanghai and flag in China , Gross Tonnage 29272 overall length 184.10 mtr
ROYAL IHC UK under management of ROYAL IHC Kinderdijk the Netherlands has been awarded a contract to design, fabricated, and install the REEL LAY TOWER Unit.
The Complex Installation Operation which will start in the last week of November 2022.
The Vessel should be operational 3 Q 2023
SHEN DA HAO first project will be the installation of a flow line in the North sea 2024.
Like Normand Maximus, also designed by VARD.
But these two built at VARD Vung Tau, Vietnam:
A truly spectacular week in the history of Ocean Infinity. Delivery of two vessels the ARMADA 78.01 and ARMADA 78.02.
We wish Captain Craig Copik and his crew and Captain Simon Macaulay his crew bon voyage, and fair winds as they set sails, leaving Vietnam for Europe.
In 12 months and 6 days, the DAN SWIFT has complete 3 different contracts and just started her 4th. This is in 3 different countries alongside 4 different FPSO’s.Throw in an unplanned dry dock, and changing of the gangway height into the mix during that time!! This has involved a tremendous amount of work from all involved in the vessel but more so for the Captains and their crews!
Nortrans Offshore DP3 500 pax flotel – TEMIS completed the Coral South FLNG HUC project in Mozambique by middle of June 22, for 120 days with 100% connectivity uptime with excellent HSE performance and no Covid outbreak onboard.
TEMIS has this weekend just completed another hook up and maintenance contract for Shell (SNEPCO) Nigeria @ Bonga field for approx. 90 days also with 100% connectivity uptime and perfect HSE execution and Covid control by our esteemed marine and catering crew onboard.
Bye bye DEAREAST MISS PETTE, soon to be renamed ELENA. Fair winds for you and your new crew on your way from Tema, Ghana to Mexico.
Photo: Capt Tjalling van der Zee Master/Captain at Van der Zee Marine Services & (c)
The MAERSK MOVER, built at Kleven Shipyard 2018, is a DP2 Deep water AHST with bollard pull of 253 M.T.
Seen here doing a crew change in Exmouth, Western Australia.
Photo: A. Nonymous (c)