OceanGate Titan Sub Tragedy Anniversary

OceanGate Titan sub: Key update on submersible investigation ahead of anniversary of tragedy that killed five (msn.com)


Titan OceanGate disaster: U.S. super-wealthy still risking their lives (msn.com)


A 9 seat airfryer ?

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Looks more like a politically correct and “inclusive” pressure cooker.


Yeah. :wink: and You can hold your hands while praying moments before implosion. Quick death guaranted -You go before you know :wink: . Could be a good business to dispose those rich liking the euthanasia idea . Going in a loud “splash” could be exhilarating.

Titan submersible communication logs that ‘detailed chaos’ between vessel and mother ship found to be fake (msn.com)

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U.S. Coast Guard Releases Titan Submersible Discovery Footage (gcaptain.com)

And Dr,Sal is recognised by FOX channel . Congrats!!!. Looks He was snached so fast for the interview , that He barely managed to don only one item from his three piece suit . Interesting fashion style with hawaian shirt.

Was relieved to see the rest was covered by his desk :wink:


What on Earth could Sal possibly bring to the table in a discussion on manned submersible design, construction, or operation?


Dr.Sal has 324 K followers on his utube channel, so such number can not be ignored as it means He has something to say that atracts viewers/listeners.

May be You Sir can ask him directly such question or may be Dr.Sal reading our conversation may opt to answer your question directly.

What on earth makes You think He can not bring to the table anything on manned submersible design, consruction or operation???

From what I see He skilfully collects bits and pieces of info from various sorces and contacts , connects the dots and wraps it up in a nice visual package that attracts web viewers including media who as it looks keenly seek his opinion.

He may be errs sometimes but man is fallible said the hedge jumping off the brush .


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The same reason that the “skillfully collected” mineral samples on my bookshelf don’t make me a geologist.

Because he has no experience or history in any aspect of the submersible industry by which he could enlighten anyone. A “followers” count does not translate to expertise in areas far beyond the training or experience of the “influencer” and it certainly does not by itself imbue a person with any degree of subject matter expertise. I am sure he has opinions on aviation as well, that doesn’t mean he is a source of enlightenment of Boeing or Airbus engineering or manufacturing procedures or systems operation.

You tell me what relevant information on manned submersible manufacturing or operation he might bring to that table. Unless his CV provides evidence of his personal participation in that industry or some relevant engineering expertise, his is just another of the rash of pile-on talking heads cashing in on a tragic but sensational event.


Well, there is always all that ….


Followers mean crap and you all know that.

My masters degree was in Maritime History and Nautical Archaeology from East Carolina; now entitled Maritime Studies.

My discussions on Titan usually deal with the issue of certification of the submersible in terms of what is required for inspection and classification compared to that of ships. I also discuss the history of submersible development and operations, their safety record and developments in the field.

I have been watching the hearings all this week and they want someone to come on summarizes the key take aways.

I am happy to defer to anyone else but they know me at LiveNow. Many people active with submersibles, such as many classmates of mine at Woods Hole, with NOAA or other organizations either don’t want to or cant speak publicly on the matter.


The Titan incident is a perfect example of FAFO.