Too bad it was only a private company & not the Norwegian government itself. If the US taxpayer wants to save an astronomical amount of money they need to wish this escalates to the US being kicked out of NATO or the European warmongers antagonizing the US so much we pull out. Imagine a scenario where the US was only concerned about defending the US & not those loser countries that we had to liberate in WW2.
From the article below:
“The US… had GDP equal to all the rest of the members of Nato in 2024, and its spending on defence is two thirds of the Nato total…”
To be fair what the US spends on defence is a circular economy. When a lot of other countries spend on defence we have to make something, sell it and then buy equipment off the US.
It took quite a lot of Pinot Noir and racks of lamb to buy a Poseidon aircraft.
You’re right. Being kicked out or withdrawing from NATO would be a financial plus for the US on 2 fronts. Not only would we save the equivalent of an annual GDP of many nations of the world by not protecting countries that don’t like us anyways, NATO would lose 2/3rds of it funding & assets. They would need to replace that hardware from somewhere unless they prefer to start speaking Russian? I know just the country to sell it to them if Russia is actually such a threat. We could save by not protecting all those countries then maybe profit by selling them arms when they relize they no longer have a bunch of dumb American grunts suited up ready to die to protect them. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if the US was no longer a part of NATO. Let them start pulling their own weight for a change?
Good luck with that… from the most recent NDAA:
(Sec. 1250A) The President may not suspend, terminate, denounce, or withdraw the United States from the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO membership) except with the advice and consent of the Senate. Prior to notifying the Senate of an intention to withdraw from NATO, the President must consult with both chambers of Congress.
Dang it, you’re right! Now our only hope is, Trump says enough dumb stuff that most other members team up to change the charter to kick us out.
But unfortunately I don’t think even Trumps loud mouth is enough for the Europeans to get off the US taxpayer funded gravytrain. The Norwegians hate us but know we saved them from the Nazi’s & we’re dumb enough to do it again. Shucks…
British and Soviet troops liberated Norway. My Dad was there.
He was a 25-year-old Norwegian mariner.
Damn, you know the feelings of the entire country of Norway? I thought only the Bugge spoke for that country. When did he hand over the keys to you?
The US withdrawing from NATO would make it possible to remove the 100,000 troops stationed in Europe. That would be a big RIF and reduce the trillion dollar defense budget by a lot. Those 100,000 could return to civilian life and fill the job openings created by the deportation of illegals. It’s a win-win.
Righttt!? At least we should do is change the name of the place to Noway or Foodsucksburg or something like that. Why in the hell was Zelensky in the USA anyways? He should have went to Noway instead to attempt to get his faltering troops super-elite training at being annoying in hopes the Russians would get so frustrated they’d just stop & ignore Ukraine. I think Noway has a special academy for that? Noway & Ukraine both should say screw the US & go it alone to show the world what they’re made of. Don’t even deal with Trump.
In case U did not know , below is the pet project so supported by some …….( i will skip the adequate adjective).
Even when i go to get US visa in the Embassy i dress in three piece suit like i was to meet POTUS Obama in person. It is meant to show RESPECT and it should be maintained irrespective if one wants something or not.
Trump & Zelenski are both former, B-list reality TV personalities who with a handful of others, now rule the world. Take it as you wish… At least Vance started his political career by writing a book, that so happened to be turned into a Ron Howard movie. The young actors who portrayed Vance did great jobs, better than he does pretending to be him
Everyone calm down.
It was a private company.
Yes, the US and Norway have an occasionally turbulent relationship.
It’s easy enough to simply ignore the slight. There are other fuel suppliers in Norway.
This doesn’t rise, for example, to the time Norway’s Kongsberg sold cnc machinery to Russia during the cold war, enabling Russia to build their first quiet submarines.
Companies do shitty things for shits 'n gigs all the time, regardless of nationality. Look at the douchebags at Ben and Jerry’s, being dicks to Israel. Silly example, but you get my point.
But don’t worry, I’m sure the MSP program would continue on fully funded and we wouldn’t drop to zero non-Jones Act container ships and ro-ros a month later.
Trump tried to get out of NATO during his first term in office, but could not for the reasons stated by jbtam99.
He is trying again, but now by making the European countries and Canada withdraw from NATO.
PS> Some time ago I posted somewhere a quote from a Quora member about how Trump (or rather his handlers) had figured out a way to get out of NATO.
Will he succeed this time? We’ll see at the next NATO meeting in June (according to the coming German Kanseller Friedrich Merz said that it was time for Europe to become independent from the United States, and that he was not sure whether NATO would survive in its current form until the summer.
Otherwise this thread contain a lot of old and tired BS about how US pay for NATO and everybody else are freeloaders.
The argument has been about defence spending as % of GDP, not “payment to NATO”, The fact is that the only “payment to NATO” made by member countries are for NATO’s Common Budgets:
BTW: The only country that has ever defaulted on it’s payment to the NATO Common Budget is USA.
Likewise, the only country ever to invoke Article 5 is USA.
Sure, when I was in the Army I fantasized about someday being a dishwasher or line cook or house cleaner or nanny or landscaper or stonemason.
Norway was liberated by the German capitulation on 8th May 1945.
The German troops in Norway lay down their arms without a fight and was interned by Norwegian Home Front fighters.
The Liberation of Finnmark was an Allied military operation lasting from 23 October 1944 until 26 April 1945 , in which Soviet and Norwegian forces wrested away control of Finnmark, the northernmost county of Norway, from Germany.
The Norwegian exile Government in London sent some 300 troops from London via Murmansk to Kirkenes a few weeks after the Soviet liberation. They gathered volunteers and by the time of the German capitulation there were nearly 3000 Norwegian soldiers in Finnmark.
The last Red Army troops left Finnmark on September 25th 1945.
Source: Scorching and liberation of Finnmark, a short introduction | Barentsobserver
Here is a story from the liberation of Norway on 8th May 1945 that has missed the history books until recently:
Some facts bout the German capitulation in Norway:
Yes, because every E-4 dreams of getting out and working in the fields, picking fruit, mowing lawns, construction, or any other of the multitude of jobs American citizens really don’t want (or are too lazy) to do.