Norwegian fuel supplier refuses U.S. warships over Ukraine

The USA’s main adversary is China. China outnumbers us four to one. In war the side with the most people usually wins. Simple math.

So the deep military thinkers here want us to get rid of the only allied forces on the planet that could allow us to stand up to China in a world war.

That’s cult logic.


Elon makes the best rockets while little green gnome gets them on sb elses nickel and proves them worthless. So i think there is a sublte difference between the two.

Meantime relax and have a good dose of daily laugh by watchng below :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1896120599484796940|twgr^93c73de9c38593544bca8bc4ac6ceb38982b9c28|twcon^s1_c10&

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Dear Dr.Bugge .

What a pleasant surprise. Thx for your “heart” .Thought you had already been “sanctioned” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m not a member of Mensa but I came across this post:
In the Constitution of Mensa, it says that Mensa is not allowed to take any political action and cannot hold political affiliations (though Members or groups of members may express opinions as members of Mensa, provided their opinions or actions are not expressed as being those of Mensa as an organization). So while I do have personal opinions on what happened between Trump, Vance, and Zelensky (Володимир Зеленський) during the session with the press at the White House today, I am keeping those to myself. I wanted to provide some fact checking on the numbers being thrown around though, as these numbers are not politics but verifiable numbers.

The USA has not spent $350 billion in Ukraine, nor even $300 billion. I have seen figures ranging anywhere from $119.7 billion (Kiel Institute for the World Economy) to $182.8 billion (U.S. Department of Defense), but the most consistent figure that I have seen is around $175 billion, and only $105.1 billion of that is to the Ukrainian government directly:

  • $2 billion in humanitarian aid

  • $33.3 billion in budget support

  • $69.8 billion in weapons, equipment, and other military support

(Council on Foreign Relations, BBC News, Euronews, US Special Inspector General for Operation Atlantic Resolve)

Most of the remainder is funding various U.S. activities associated with the war in Ukraine, and a small portion supports other affected countries in the region (the $182.8 billion figure includes US military training and replenishing US defence stocks, so it includes all spending on the response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine). (Council on Foreign Relations, BBC News)

Of the $182.8 billion from the USA, only $83.4 billion has been sent, with the remaining $99.4 billion either not yet committed or not yet approved for payment. This is why Ukraine has received only $76 billion from the USA, and the $100 billion that people claim is missing is actually money that has not been sent. (Euronews, Українська правда)

By comparison, the Kiel Institute calculates that, including military, financial, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, the EU has spent $138.7 billion (compared to their calculation of $119.7 billion from the USA). Their calculations include only support directly given to Ukraine and exclude things like money used to replenish U.S. weapon stocks following donations to Kyiv, funds spent to help neighbouring countries welcome Ukrainian refugees, etc. However, using a broader definition, the European Union has committed $198 billion so far. (BBC News, Washington Post, Fox News)

Of all the funding Ukraine as received, NATO estimates that nearly 60% of the funding for Ukraine has come from across Europe and Canada. (ABC News and BBC News)

Canada has given $19.7 billion in aid to Ukraine:

  • $12.4 billion in financial aid

  • $4.5 billion in military assistance

The remaining funds are spread between humanitarian, development, stabilization, etc. aid funding. (THX News and Government of Canada)

Canada has also provided $5 billion to Ukraine from seized Russian assets, and the money will be repaid from interest earned on the held Russian assets (i.e., Russia will be bearing the burden of repayment). (Global News, National Post, CTV News, and Anadolu Agency)

In total, Ukraine has spent $120 billion of its own money, and Ukraine estimates that that total they have spent on the war is about $320 billion. (Voice of America)

If you’re wondering, 35% of the funds going to Ukraine from Europe have been loans, and some of the repayment of those loans are coming from revenues from frozen and seized Russian assets and Ukraine isn’t having to pay those portions of the loans, and the rest are really generous terms where Ukraine will be repaying less interest over lengthy repayment periods. The remaining 65% is grants an in-kind support. (Washington Postand BBC News)

***ETA: The actual value of the weapons and equipment sent to Ukraine by the USA is about 60% lower than they were priced because the price was for new stock. Much of the military equipment and ammunition sent to Ukraine is old and of limited combat effectiveness because it came from aging US stockpiles, some of the ammunition is expired, and a majority of the equipment isn’t even used by the US military anymore (and therefore has an effective value of $0 to the USA). Normally, this stock would have to be disposed of, but giving it to Ukraine means there are effectively no disposal expenses. Furthermore, much of the funding for Ukraine is being spent in the USA, such as employing US workers to manufacture the replacement equipment and supplies for refilling US stockpiles


Hurray!!! Someone actually bring up FACT not fiction, or downright lies.

In addition to all the official grants and loans from governments there are the charitable donation made by private people, institutions.

Cities and municipalities in Europe contribute used ambulances, firetrucks and medical equipment, food etc., which is delivered to Ukraine by volunteers.

The cost of supporting Ukrainian refugees until they can find gainful employment is also not counted into the above official figures:

I am too old to shovel dirt all day, I am looking forward to finding a master sergeant to do all my landscaping for $10/hr cash under the table. I’ll make sure and point out how the Mexicans did a better job, maybe he’ll dig faster.


It’s been awhile since anything has been said here about the incident that started this thread. Here is a copy of a message from this fellow:

Gunnar Gran is the owner, chairman and CEO of Haltbakk Group. The image is from the company’s website. Photo: Haltbakk Group


PS> Several other Norwegian bunker suppliers refused to supply Russian ship after the full scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Haltbakk Bunker A/S has 10 small bunker tankers + 2 barges supplying bunker to ships, fish farms and shore based installation along the entire Norwegian coast: Haltbakk Bunkers
Video incl.

I ain’t no member of Mensa either but I can do simple math using the calculator app on my phone. Going with your conservative number, $320,000,000,000 spent so far. Yes, all those zeros, three hundred & twenty BILLION DOLLARS!!! Now google tells me the Russian military consists of 1,500,000 members. One point five million people. Divide $320 BILLION by 1.5 million & thats roughly $213,000 per Russian military personnel. They’ve spent nearly a QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS for every Russian soldier & still losing!!! They ain’t killed 'em all yet & spent $213,000.00 a pop?! Mutherfucker?!? That war is a racket. Give me a QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS for every Russian soldier I take off the battle field & that invasion will be over in 6 months. I would pay every Russian soldier $200k to desert, pocket $50k for myself & call it done. Screw that war.

“WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”

~Major General Smedley Butler.


You warmongers are being had & don’t know it. So they spent $213,000.00 for every Russian military personnel & still losing? How much do you people propose we spend for every Russian soldier to win that war? $500k per Russian soldier, one MILLION DOLLARS spent for every 1 dead Russian soldier? Russian soldiers get paid less than $24k a year! How about we just box up a million heavy boxes stuffed with $10’s & $20’s and drop it from airplanes onto the battlefields hoping we squash the Russian soldiers to death with them? Do the math people. You warmongers need to step away from the problem & think about what you’re saying. $213,000 spent for every Russian soldier in existence & still begging for more money? Not me, I ain’t buying that.

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You warmongers are just tools, useful idiots. And as alway, won’t realize it until five years later & won’t admit it until 20 years has passed when the all dead are forgotten. Here’s another one by the honest, Major General Smedley Butler.

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”


Glad to observe at least one of the 20k forum members has started to read recommended literature. Keep her steady as she goes. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Often forgotten about Butler was his exposing the plot to overthrow FDR. Butler was a hero.


Not much interest in what is the subject of this thread from form members I see.
Well, at least gcapt take the effort to repost a Reuters report on the subject:

They may not take a big loss from this gesture, but at least he have the guts to “put his money where his conscience is”.:clap:
Whether he expected his small gesture to become worldwide news only he knows.

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All this whilst Trump was warning Z he was heading towards World War III … but who cares about WWIII when it’s “guts” and “conscience” at stake? And a Norwegian businessman puts his stupidity on world display - he’ll get a good bit of free publicity and lose a fairly lucrative customer.

These issues aren’t merely some big swinging dick standoffs.

A few million dead is neither here nor there for Z as long as he can talk tough to Trump. The idiot doesn’t know which side his bread is buttered. And yet he’s congratulated as if he’s the new Messiah.

Oh, that’s right, Z has a few mansions in other countries (one in Florida! He could be neighbours with his new best pal, Donald) and a tidy $billion or so in ready cash should he need to sneak away from the smoking hole Ukraine will become.

Norway too in all possibility.


I prefer Norway to continue partnering with us.

Why does Trump, and possibly you, think Zelensky is moving the world toward a war? Perhaps you can’t speak for Trump.
Claims of Zelensky’s home purchases seem to be false claims. Proof would be very interesting.


You have the same disregard for truth, factual numbers and reality as your hero.

Who raised their voices to shut and humiliate a man who have stood in an impossible position as the leader of a country at war for three years?

Who was attacked by a bully and accused of trying to start WWIII, without any regards to facts? (If anybody is in a position to start WWIII it is NOT Mr.Z)

The Norwegian businessman in question is NOT an idiot, but a decent human being willing to stand up for his opinions. Nor is he one that hanker for “world display”.

Is Norway in danger of becoming “a smoking hole”?
Yes, very possible, if Putin gets the backing to “do what he want” with any NATO member who doesn’t bow to the “King wan-a-be”, who has ambitions to dominate a fast approaching world where might-is-right, in which big powers cut deals and bully small ones. (Beware; Oz also comes under that last category)

Maybe you noticed; US sides with Russia and North Korea against the rest of the world in a UN vote last week:

Source: Donald Trump has begun a mafia-like struggle for global power
(Sorry, behind paywall for non-subscribers)


Come on man? Norway is going to be just fine. Just last month you were saying Norways biggest concern was the cold & thats why your country sent out the WW3 warning flyers. And besides, bombing Norway would be pointless if you surrender right off the bat. In the last world war Norway did better than most other occupied nations by holding out a whole 2 months even though WW2 was on the horizon for 10 years & actively going on for 2. If you guys held on for 2 months in the time of horseback & snail mail I’d say Norway would fall within a week. No reason to bomb your country in that case. I wouldn’t be surprised if every Norwegian household had a Russian flag stashed away somewhere to wave just in case. You’ll be fine.

“Among German-occupied territories in Western Europe, this made Norway the country to withstand the German invasion for the longest period of time – approximately two months.”

And who is weird here ?

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So just take it easy, the loony bin wagon is on the way:

Don’t worry you will be in good company when you get there:

Source: Loony Bin Cartoons and Comics - funny pictures from CartoonStock

And who is holy grand master of weirdos? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: