Howdy. After a year and a half of being unemployed and not having any luck, a friend who’s an oiler for the state ferry system presented me with the idea of trying to work at sea. So, after looking at the options , I figured the Wiper would be the best place to start but I’m willing to take anything to get my foot in the door and transfer to engineering. My hope is to become a 3rds in 3.5-4 years and then reassess my options to see where I stand. I’ve got a BA in History, an AA in Information Technology, Eagle Scout, been deployed to Red Cross disaster relief operations and served in AmeriCorps for two years. So I feel I’ve got some options later as if I follow this I’ll have my 3rds in my early 30’s and I need something that pays. I’m also not tied down by family or a house so extended work away from shore is just fine. But I was hoping some of the folks here could help me with some advice to help make the best decision possible.
Now I left a message for NOAA a little earlier today to get that ball rolling. I’ve also called MSC but they aren’t looking for anything entry level at the moment and they don’t know when they will (neither the recruiter in person or the one over the phone had any clue). I’ve also got a contact who’s husband works for them but he’s to contact me later in the week. My preference would be to work with these organizations as I just got my MMC/TWIC but I’ve heard they help with your STCW training/cert. I’d also prefer the MSC as their ships generally have more horsepower, I’d get the mechanical and steam certs while seeing more of the world. NOAA on the other hand is hiring at the moment but I’d rather not get pidgin-holed into small diesel ships that I have to work out from. So… Is this not such a big deal? My friend claims it isn’t but I’m still a little confused about how I’d be able to get from limited horsepower to larger horsepower if I’m lacking the 60% sea time to go unlimited. I’d like to be an oiler with options of working towards a 3rds on a range of ships if possible. Are there any other groups I should look at besides these two? Any other nuggets of wisdom about starting a career/things to look towards getting certified in/whatever that I should take into account would also be wonderful as well.
Thanks for your time and I hope to be joining your ranks soon.
PS: I think this is the right forum for this as I’m looking for career advancement advice. So if it belongs somewhere else I’d encourage a mod to move it.