where do old wind farm blades end up?
The problem has been recognised and solutions are being found, at least according to BBC Business:
But then you had probably seen/heard/read about it, since you raised the question (??)
Read a similar if not same article a while back.
If you think the solid waste implications of wind power are bad due to non-migratory non-hazardous component waste, you’re gonna be awfully disappointed at what happens with oil and nuke waste streams.
Ombugge, what I am suggesting is that American companies are not doing a great job being the go to contractors for US offshore wind development. There has been more than enough time to make something happen. America started Hydroid (maker of REMUS AUVs) back in 2001, which was later bought up by Kongsberg. American companies and vessel operators have the technology to do it, but so far they are just dipping their toes into the wind market.
Designs of SOVs and Construction Vessels specially designed for the Offshore wind industry are available and can be had from European sources.
The vessels can be built at US yards using imported machinery and equipment, just like what is already the case with other types of vessels. (Offshore, Fishing and even tankers and Ro/Con) No need to re-invent the wheel.
Expertise can be imported to train US personnel, just like it was on the factory trawlers in Alaska back a few decades ago. (Or US personnel can be trained on existing vessels in Europe)
Correct in many ways.
I cant see offshore wind and the expense of it lasting?
Sure it works today but PV and CSP are getting cheaper and the technology is moving forward.
CSP also contains thermal storage as a bonus.
Not sure a wind turbine can move forward at the same rate?
How about the life cycle of all 3?
I am fine with wind power.
Umm ok? Well get right on that then boss .
??? Domer?
Why one or the other? Why not all of the above at different places?
Here is another way of using renewable solar or wind energy:
Can power fuel cells in cars, ships or stationary applications.
A windmill is not a renewable resource nor is a solar panel
Both require coal to make them and they need to be replaced and buried in a landfill several times in one human generation.
Whats the carbon/emission footprint of that?
What an incredibly bad faith argument! How much more the carbon footprint of engine blocks and oil production necessary resources.
If you get more solar and wind—you don’t need coal to make them.
I don’t know, but maybe you do?
You can argue as much as you want that for anything to be carbon free it has to miraculously appear out of thin air.
Even if it is grown from soil and without fertilizer it isn’t “carbon free”. (Plants ARE largely made from carbon and so are you)
We are SLOWLY heading for reduced GHG emission, which is a good thing.
That will happen, even if you and your ilk resist ever so much. You are in a minority in the rich world. (The rest don’t produce much GHG anyhow)
coal is a component used to make silicone and coal/.oil is used to make fibreglass/carbon cloth
Does a solar panel make enough energy in its lifetime cover the coal used to make it?
We are part of the carbon cycle sure, the issue is does it get recycled in any overall process like making silicone to make solar panels for example as in lifetime output exceed the coal burnt to make it that could have been used to make the power in the first place?
Its the old argument, does a corn farmer run self contained on power made from his farms ethanol that surely step one, then selling ethanol is a win.
We get to the fertilizer 3rd…
Nuclear looking good…
If something is made out of coal or oil, but not burned, it does not emit any GHG to the atmosphere.
The manufacturing process MAY, but doesn’t necessarily. It depends on the power source for heat and processing machinery, as jamesbrown pointed out.
Likewise, if it is buried in the ground at the end of it’s useful life, it is not emitting any GHG.
Solar panels, wind mills, or CSP installations does not emit GHG during operation, thus the power they produce is “emission free”, no matter what you and your ilk wants to BELIEVE. (What you KNOW may be different?)