Need: Auxiliary Sailing Endorsement Questions
I have approval to test letter from USCG for 100 ton Aux Sail Endorsement.
Does anyone have a resource for studying for the test questions?
I have been on Google, but it only seems to list Sea Schools with courses available. The NMC website does not seem to have any of the test questions available under that category.
Have you tried the “Get Your Captain’s License” book? That seems like a pretty standard guide for anything 200-tons or lower and there’s a good chance it has an aux-sail section. I think that book is put out by Captain Murphy from Mass Maritime who more or less has the corner on the training resources market. You should see if he has another specialized book for aux-sail like he does for the other subjects (DG, NG, DS, etc…) Then of course there’s Lapware, another Murphy product. Good chance there’s some aux-sail stuff on there. If you can live without practice questions and just want to know the material then get Andy Chase’s aux-sail handbook put out by Cornell Maritime Press, that’ll have all the answers even if you don’t know what the questions are yet.
Good luck!
If you are a knowledgeable sailboater, it should be pretty straight forward.
You have your letter, so you could go test, see what is there, and then re-take as necessary with a good idea of what you need to study.
Unless it is different from other USCG testing, you should have a second and third chance to take the test within 90 days of when you sit for the first one.
Looks like there are good resources on line. Here’s one for about $25:
Good luck!