Navy Captain Faces Imprisonment in Fraud Scheme

MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell warned on Sunday GOP front-runner Donald Trump was hiding the fact that he was “completely uneducated about any part of the world.”

“It is remarkable,” Mitchell told Meet the Press host Chuck Todd. “And when he doesn’t know something, he just changes the subject, and makes it all about himself.”

“On national security, it’s very noticeable, especially to your ears and mine,” Todd agreed.

“Absolutely. And this was a week where he could have gone after President Obama, arguably,” Mitchell noted. “There’s a lot happening, and the president has some vulnerabilities, so does Hillary Clinton. But instead, he’s all over the lot.”

As Mitchell pointed out, Trump indicated in a recent New York Times interview that he would cancel defense treaties with Japan and South Korea, and that he would allow the countries to obtain nuclear weapons.

“American policy for decades since World War II has been trying to keep nukes out of that arena,” she observed. “He would stop importing oil from Saudi Arabia if they don’t pay more for their defense.”

“We need oil. We are not energy independent. We rely on oil still for our daily needs,” Mitchell continued. “He is completely all over the lot. On Iran, he complains that Iran isn’t buying our planes. It had to be pointed out to him that Iran is still under sanctions and cannot buy American planes. He thinks North Korea and Iran are the biggest trading partners, when North Korea’s biggest trading partner is China.”

“He is completely uneducated about any part of the world,” the MSNBC host lamented.



A poll run by George Staphyloccus …I’m voting for Hillery!! if she ain’t in jail…

Mr. and Mrs. 1% Limousine Liberal

Well, while we’re talking about candidates…


How dare we question their integrity.

[QUOTE=Fraqrat;182157] Mr. and Mrs. 1% Limousine Liberal[/QUOTE]

Alan Greenspan calls himself a lifelong libertarian Republican.

Every time I made a port call while I was in the Navy Glenn was hired. Taking a few minutes to reflect on the [phony] persona of my captain at the time, it would not surprise me if he and/or countless skippers are/were involved in this shit. As others have said, it’s interesting that there is actually action being taken against this skipper; however, I’m sure he’s a scapegoat and nothing will happen to the rest of the fleet’s guilty skippers. I went to mast for some petty shit that should have ended with a butt chewing from the CMC at DRB. It sickens me that there is a double standard to this extent. Once again, however, at least one skipper is being tackled.

They all say a lot of things, at this level of politics everyone of them on the left and the right are full of shit.  [img][/img]

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[QUOTE=Fraqrat;182170][img][/img [/QUOTE]

13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush’s Watch Without a Peep from Fox News

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