That trip didn’t last long. I’m at the New Orleans Airport flying out back to the Philippines after 3 days. So much for working in the Gulf. <br><br>I got a job with Chouest on the Fast Tempo, running as supply tender to the OPD Wheeler out in Guam.<br><br>Thanks to all you guys who take the time to post. I worked my ass off and got down here, and it paid off. <br><br>Capt. Nemo was right. The whole area has that California Gold Rush feel to it. Booked rooms, thousands of applicants, boat and rig crews coming and going. And jobs to be had. Sending out Apps. online is virtually worthless though. Get your ass down there.<br><br>Nicky showed me a whole file cabinet full of Captains resumes. That was in addition to the 3 boxes I saw on the floor behind his desk!<br><br>Capt. Anonymous was right as well with Capt. Frans quote…<br>“The harder you work, the luckier you get.”
<br><br>If anyone is interested, Lorraine at Loredo Offshore in New Orleans is looking for a 200 ton Mate to ship out in about a week and a half. They run a fleet of liftboats. Offered pay was 300/day.<br>IOS is hiring, but they and a few others shy away from 500 ton tickets, as they think you will bail on them as soon as a better offer comes in. Saying that, Jared at IOS was very upfront and helpfull. A standup guy. Otto Candies said they are not hiring for 90 days minumum. Seacor said the same, but told me to come back and talk with Murdock when he got back from the Kings point job fair. Rigdon said they were “good for now”. Joey at Hornbeck wanted me to have a 3000ITC endorsement and they would’ve taken me. Good for 1600 guys or those who went through a program like Chouest has. Linbar said comeback, and talk to Al Lyons who was out. The girl said they “might have a position”. KMJ had a spot, but not for a 500 ton guy. He suggested talking to Kevin Gros who has a company nearby. I didn’t check it out. Harvey Gulf not hiring according to the secretary. <br><br>I didn’t get to visit any of the other 20 places on my list, but hope this helps some guys about to head down.<br>Good Luck, and thanks again for the suggestions from the regular posters here.<br>You know who you are.<br><br>Patrick
Fast Tempo huh? Well, it works with the VADM K R Wheeler. The reason I know, I am the Master of the Wheeler. It is a “tit” job (gravy). We’re heading to Japan next month.<br><br>e-mail me at: and I can tell you more about.
so you got a job and then quit because you want to go to guam?
I glad to hear that jobs are still out there. I’m going to have my job end on 12/31/09 on this casino boat in Bossier City, La. Please keep me updated on what is going on down the bayou.