At the very least, the division would include credentials and the training/experience behind them…I would say that’s big enough to drive a Mac Truck through.
Post #36
And for the record, my comment had nothing to do with comparing credentials and everything to do with promoting the use of violence and illegal acts to further a personal opinion.
[QUOTE=Steamer;22764]Post #36
And for the record, my comment had nothing to do with comparing credentials and everything to do with promoting the use of violence and illegal acts to further a personal opinion.[/QUOTE]
I understood that, but your comment was a contrasting statement between the “Irwin Bunch” and local “Pro Mariners”, and how some “others” believe, by recent posts, not yourself, in there not being much of a difference between the two…“not wide enough for light to pass between them”. Outside of the forum gamesmanship of outwitting each other, the distinction of have credentials/experience versus not, is undebatable and very clear without elaborating.
You don’t have to go as far as the use of violence or illegal acts to make any comparison in general terms, just watch the “Irwin Bunch” unmoor or try to launch a fast rescue craft…that is painful to watch. In fact, I choose not to watch because of those reasons.
[quote=anchorman;22774]I understood that, but your comment was a contrasting statement between the “Irwin Bunch” and local “Pro Mariners”, and how some “others” believe, by recent posts, not yourself, in there not being much of a difference between the two…“not wide enough for light to pass between them”. Outside of the forum gamesmanship of outwitting each other, the distinction of have credentials/experience versus not, is undebatable and very clear without elaborating.
You don’t have to go as far as the use of violence or illegal acts to make any comparison in general terms, just watch the “Irwin Bunch” unmoor or try to launch a fast rescue craft…that is painful to watch. In fact, I choose not to watch because of those reasons.[/quote]
I do not see much difference between the “Irwin bunch” and a few (after reviewing the thread - very few) of the “Pro mariners.” I am glad others see this as well and have commented on it.
The comments posted below which recieved little if any criticism illustrate my point that there is a lot of hypocrisy that seems to be accepted if not supported by the moderators:
[I]I’m no professional mariner. I’m just a land lover that hates Watson and his group with a passion for the past 4 years ffice:office" /><?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:p></O:p>[/I]
[I]come on guys it would be fun to black fax them. Or send a false location report on a map<O:p></O:p>[/I]
[I]20 hours until they leave. any way we can be a thorn in their side?<O:p></O:p>[/I]
[I]must be some other avenue available to “monkey wrench their cogwheel”?? <O:p></O:p>[/I]
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->[I]I want to send about a bunch of BLACK pages to their fax number when they are at sea and Spam call all of the Sat phones when they are in the RHIBs<O:p></O:p>[/I]
[I]life rafts are too low: <O:p></O:p>[/I]
[I]foredeck is cluttered with FRC & gear. [/I]
[I]shoreside emergency generator …open to elements<O:p></O:p>[/I]
[I]black hull & super structure? stupid and unsafe.<O:p></O:p>[/I]
[I]I’d love to at least put a nice big slash in those RIBs right before they head out. Maybe go on board for a 'tour" and put razor blades on the racks that they rest on [/I]
There is not a lot of professionalism exhibited in those statements. As a matter of fact the lack of knowledge of international martime laws and nautical practices related to the subject of this thread is remarkable.
If those safety concious professional mariners who are so upset at the operating standards of the Irwin really want to make a difference, perhaps they might volunteer to join the vessel and use their superior skills and knowledge to improve the nautical skills of the crew by instruction and example.
Ah shucks steamer, I really didn’t want to slap the guy down for what was less than professional comments, from a self proclaimed land lover…Who readily admitted that he/she has no marine experience…I personally thought it was kinda ballsy to come onto a industry forum with no experience what so ever and post something…So ,it might have been a tad immature, but to say lack of professionalism on his/her part, certainly doesn’t fit…Maybe I am just immuned from trash talk, I get to deal with it at home from my teenage son, and when I am on the boat, I get another dose from my skipper…
As far as the other guy, ( FRC’s) It looked to me like it was just an opinion…but for what it’s worth, thats this sailors opinion…
just a comment about my comment “monkey wrench in their coggwheel”…comment was taken out of context from another thread…that was intended not to be about advocating physical violence and endangering lives…but rather about eliminating Capt. Watson’s “not for profit cash cow” that is sea shepard through a creative strategy by any and all political, legal, economic means possible…I am still of the opinion that this whole “whale wars” thing is an accident not only waiting to happen but is going to happen…hope I am wrong!!
**note to steamer…don’t waste your time responding to this post as you have been relegated to my “ignore list”…it is an esteemed exclusive club of currently only four members…you should feel privileged…“life is way too short to dance with fat ugly women, fat ok, ugly ok, fat and ugly-wrong answer”!!
There is not a lot of professionalism exhibited in those statements. As a matter of fact the lack of knowledge of international martime laws and nautical practices related to the subject of this thread is remarkable.
If those safety concious professional mariners who are so upset at the operating standards of the Irwin really want to make a difference, perhaps they might volunteer to join the vessel and use their superior skills and knowledge to improve the nautical skills of the crew by instruction and example. [/quote]
Steamer, the price of allowing un-vetted memberships to an open forum such as gCaptain is that we admit all kinds, and so anyone can post anything, claim anything, represent themselves as anyone they choose, and the rest of us must decide whether or not their participation has value. Most of the wingnuts have a very short half-life around here.
If you wish to see only the opinions of professionals, without the interference of those you do not endorses, you should set up your own private forum to which you only admit those of like mind. It is easy to do.
Some among us here on gCaptain Forum have the capacity to filter out the crap and concentrate on what is relevant to the discussion at hand, whatever the thread topic may be. We have, all of us, posted things we regret. Except, I am sure, yourself. In general, you show little inclination to consider anyone’s opinion other than your own. And god forbid someone disagree with you. So be it, you’re free to do what you wish here.
For the record, I’ll happily admit that at times I have posted things that are less than professional in nature. I have written posts that have not been popular, some I have later regretted. I’ve slung my share of insults, bad puns, lousy humor, etc. To me, the important thing has always been: have I learned good lessons from my mistakes? I like to think I have.
I don’t get the sense that you’re interested in budging from any opinion you hold; changing a word you’ve written; allowing that others might have a valid point of view if it doesn’t agree with yours. In other words, you’re fixed at a point in space and time and that’s your comfort zone. No problem with that, of course, but don’t be surprised at the less than positive responses you get to your posts. Something tells me that has been your aim all along, so you’re a success in that sense.
By the way, I’m just about to add you to my own ignore list, which is currently empty since we banned themanoverboard.
myself…wingnut…less than professional…unpopular posts…insults…bad puns…lousy humor…guilty and more!!
regrets…way way too too many to list anywhere!!
it is what it is…I yam what I yam!!
[quote=seadawg;22825]myself…wingnut…less than professional…unpopular posts…insults…bad puns…lousy humor…guilty and more!!
regrets…way way too too many to list anywhere!!
it is what it is…I yam what I yam!![/quote]
Ya, all the above for me too…But you forgot drunk postings, unless that is to be assumed, it’s inherent…
hey now!!I resemble that assumption!!
After having read the posts concerning the M/V Steve Irwin, regardless of how anyone feels politically or professionally, this will eventually end in a tragedy.
[QUOTE=tuggertim;22839]After having read the posts concerning the M/V Steve Irwin, regardless of how anyone feels politically or professionally, this will eventually end in a tragedy.[/QUOTE]
I agree, but controversy, conflict, and tragedy are what sell newspapers and airtime.
“If it bleeds, it leads”
sorry all: didn’t mean to make a fight. was just giving my opinion on the foredeck clutter, location of emergency equipment, etc. guess I got political. oh well, no harm done.
Back in the 90’s I worked on a sail training vessel that had non-seaman volunteers as part of the crew, so I appreciate the Steve Irwin crew’s dedication. even if I mock it.
Steamer seems to have a short temper. wow. a continuous situation in extremis.
fair winds,
Looks liek the SSCS has placed “anti boarding” spikes al around their ship. They must be scared
Steamer seems to have a short temper. wow. a continuous situation in extremis.
fair winds,[/quote]
Who? :eek: