MV Steve Irwin Equipment

I have a favor to ask of the professional mariners here. I have this photo of the MV Steve Irwin and I am curious as to some of the equipment on it. I have been watching for an LRAD devie to go up, the also say they put a powerful water cannon on the bow, both of which I do not yet see.

Please tell me what the circled items are and anything else interesting about it. Thank you. ALSO teh Object Obscewed by the number TWO 2

1 and 2: Radar scanners. The obscured object is a Satellite antenna dome.
3 looks like an HVAC unit but I don’t think that’s what it is.
4 are a couple of inflatable liferaft cannisters

Is there a reason for two radar scanners? I’m aland lover in a landlocked State so I have ZERO maritime knowledge
I bet you those lift rafts are expired or even empty

and what is that little symbol near the waterline?

#3 appears to be a self contained generator unit.

The two radars use different frequencies, 3 cm and 10 cm. Because of the different size of the wavelengths they behave differently in differently depending on circumstanses such as proximaty to land or rain. The symbol near the waterline is there to let everyone know that they have a bow thruster.

It is probably important to point out that the crew on board aren’t aware of this.

I am not sure they have both 3cm and 10 cm radars. I see only one good radar antenna.
In case they have one radar - it shoul be x-band, 3 cm. Reason: much better for closer objects (like ice), and will read SART if one is started in vicinity. Considering what they are doing I would always carry a SART in their dingies. (To call mama for help after a jap hits them with something…)

Next - there is no plimsol mark on the w-line. This obvioulsly means they are not registered as ship. The vsl is registered as a yacht. And in regard to the above - no obligation to carry 2 radars, or additional 10cm (s band)

Large thing on deck: tricky. Could be lrad, could be some generator unit, but i wouldn’t be surpised to be an air-con external unit. I see no 4th option.

Search lights: covered with canvas / or tarpaulin. I saw the same on their movies. Opposite to recommended safe practise. If they need them in emergency… Lousy seamanship, is the point at every step.

An LRAD looks like this, but shapes and color can vary. We have 4 on my current ship.

My guess would be that they dismantle the water cannon in port, so as not to appear “armed”. Just a guess.

Air cooled Emergency Diesel Generator
Life Raft Canisters

The crew probably doesn’t have the capability of assembling the water cannon, or tying it into the exisiting vessel’s system.

Absence of the Plimsoll Mark shows that the vessel is not required to meet the 1966 International Load Line Convention requirements.

here is a recent picture of their deck

and what is that little symbol near the waterline?[/QUOTE]

If you are referring to the little propeller symbol forward, that shows the location of the vessel’s bow thruster. It’s a tube running through the hull that has a propeller in the middle to help move the bow during docking procedures.

And again, it must be emphasized that the crew of the vessel probably has no idea how to use most of the equipment they have.

I’m suprised. That’s not a bad looking main deck and fo’castle. It does suprise me because of who’s running the boat.

I don’t know who or how many, but somebody on that rig knows what they’re doing.

They won’t last long, and it’s a damned shame. She’s not a bad looking boat.


For a someone ragging about a supposed lack of seamanship and nautical knowledge on the part of the Steve Irwin crew, how about showing some of your own …

The Steve Irwin is registered as a fisheries support vessel. As such it falls under the regulations covering fishing vessels, one of which is an exclusion from the International Convention on Load Lines.

I thought the Steve Irwin was registered as a Yacht.

[quote=Capt. Nemo;20855]I’m suprised. That’s not a bad looking main deck and fo’castle. It does suprise me because of who’s running the boat.

I don’t know who or how many, but somebody on that rig knows what they’re doing.

They won’t last long, and it’s a damned shame. She’s not a bad looking boat.


Amazing what one can do with Photoshop.

I’d love to at least put a nice big slash in those RIBs right before they head out. Maybe go on board for a 'tour" and put razor blades on the racks that they rest on

No leave them the way they are. That way they can go 25 kts in 15 ft seas and hurt themselves.

how did mikeE get these photos? it looks like its from the bridge?