MSC CIVMAR ship going to AMO

Well this is new…ESB 7 (USS Robert E. Simanek) is going to be crewed by AMO. This was supposed to be a CIVMAR ship like the other four “USS” ESBs. I believe the CIVMAR Capt and Chief Engineer had already been assigned and were probably out with the ship at NASSCO. Are there any other of the USS hyrbid ships which currently are crewed by a union? I think they are all CIVMAR ships (ESBs, sub tenders, command ship). This is one way to try to put out the MSC CIVMAR dumpster fire / death spiral.

I wonder how pay will compare, AMO vs. CIVMAR. CIVMAR Capt, 1/O, Chief Eng, 1st AE make about $230-$250K / year (limited by federal employee pay cap) but of course this is for working 9 to 11 months per year.

Will AMO be looking for current CIVMARs who would like to jump ship to join the union to crew her up or do they currently have enough deck and engine officers?

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The Montford Point and John Glenn transitioned from CIVMAR to CONMAR some time ago, nothing new there. I seriously doubt AMO would go out of their way and try to entice those MSC folks to join their union. While the operating company might be AMO now, there is no guarantee they will remain so the next time the contract is up for bid.

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Those ships were never manned by CIVMARS.

AMO is not an operating company it’s a union. I haven’t seen an announcement on who the OPCO is but I would assume it’d be OSI considering they’ve had the MP and JG since they were built.

When I said the operating company might be AMO now the implication was the union affiliation. We are all well aware AMO is a union.

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It’s OSI per AMO’s announcement:

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AMO has been killing it and adding ships like crazy. Most of the expansion of the US unlimited tonnage fleet and opportunities has been with AMO companies.

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I think it’s a little misleading. They don’t really mention how a lot of the ships they’re adding are replacing tonnage lost from decommissioning. Same with SUBCOM ripping its US officers off their foreign flagged ships.

This came directly through AMO email, as a former member I still get their emails. The AMO President sent out a feel good looking forward email. Here is a snippet from that email. Take it for what you will.

" The above may not matter much if we don’t have a positive outlook, and I can honestly say that AMO has a very bright future. Although we are losing the Carter, Page, Bobo, and Ocean Jazz, we have two new shipping companies contracting with AMO and expect a dozen more vessels to be introduced during the next eight months. This is in addition to the recent vessels brought into our fleet - the tenth ARC car carrier, ARC Endeavor, and the USMMI shallow-draft tanker, Redwood Trader. Our new vessels will include tankers, the replacement ship for the Magothy, a new ESB, wind-farm vessels, VAM vessels, and others. We will make the announcements as soon as we are able."

I’m in AMO, I get the emails.

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I wonder what the two new shipping companies are ?

AMO losing subcom and some gov ships might be a hit true. But at least they are actively getting more work for their members. Basically all the next 10 TSP vessels will probably be AMO crewed too.

Only CIVMAR to CONMAR ship I can think of was the Lorenzen. Would be nice if this ESB paid out the actual pay scales CIVMARs are supposed to get.

You shouldnt be so excited. Us oldtimers were there when the scabs broke the picket line and formed AMO. They RUINED the wages for the entire industry. I dont care what AMO and today how the industry is but Ill never forgive those idiots for setting our industry back.

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