Moon amplitude

Are there any mates out there who can give a decent explanation of a moon shot with the center on the visable horizon vs a limb shot. Table 28 (Bowditch ll 1981) is consulted with the center on the VH. However, I just can’t seem to wrap my pea brain around the concept of: north lat and rising is subtraction and south lat and rising is addition…also the east of south and north of west stuff…frustrated with looking at so many trig tables! Any help will be much appreciated.

Miami, MIKEZ76SP, mtskier, or rigdvr??? Are you guys out there?

Amplitude of the Sun? Its kinda complicated… Send me your email add and I will try to send you the formulas how to do it… Im out of the country and scanner, i will try it on my iphone…

Also, last time I talked to Capt. Bruce in fletcher, he told me that I was one of the luckiest because I did my mate test last 2010 Now he said that the exams for Currents/tides are 3 times harder than before… I highly recommend that if you are close to houma get into Capt. Bruce’s class …

Can you post or pm the problem number, then we are all starting with the same info.

PM sent your way on this subject, I hope it helps…