Hi gents,
I’m a systems engineer and recreational boater in Vancouver, BC and I am considering getting into the online marine training business. I’m posting in your forum for two reasons:
To get feedback on whether you think there is room in the marine training market for lower-priced, cloud-based simulation and training with capabilities and fidelity similar to what is found in marine schools today. (I have personally experienced contractors charging way too much for training systems largely because they can! I believe cloud-delivered simulation and training could be offered at a much lower price and reach way more mariners but I need guys like you to indicate there’s a need before I can do anything about it.)
To see if there are any Masters in the Vancouver area (or Seattle perhaps?) that would be interested in paid consulting on the topic once the need is confirmed.
Best regards,
To clarify what I mean by cloud-based simulation and training, I am referring to radar, AIS and ECDIS simulators running on relatively thin clients connecting to a virtual world running in the cloud. The basic premise of the idea is to reduce the burden on students who have to travel to their nearest marine school, pay room and board and course tuition to start or advance their careers. The burden would be reduced by doing some of the training upfront. It’s like online distance training but instead of just Powerpoint-type stuff students could actually learn by doing via simulation.
Surprised there haven’t been any responses to this … I’m not an expert on training, other than as a consumer, but I think ECDIS and Radar Observer both have assessment components and for that reason, and possibly others (such as hands-on equipment), may not be good candidates for distance learning.
Better candidates, in my opinion, would be Bridge Resource Management, Leadership and Managerial, VSO/VPDSD/SA and any other text- or lecture-based (probably mostly STCW) courses. Some of these are currently ridiculously expensive and/or limited in availability.
[QUOTE=time_bender;172906]Hi gents,
I’m a systems engineer and recreational boater in Vancouver, BC and I am considering getting into the online marine training business. I’m posting in your forum for two reasons:
To get feedback on whether you think there is room in the marine training market for lower-priced, cloud-based simulation and training with capabilities and fidelity similar to what is found in marine schools today. (I have personally experienced contractors charging way too much for training systems largely because they can! I believe cloud-delivered simulation and training could be offered at a much lower price and reach way more mariners but I need guys like you to indicate there’s a need before I can do anything about it.)
To see if there are any Masters in the Vancouver area (or Seattle perhaps?) that would be interested in paid consulting on the topic once the need is confirmed.
Best regards,
STCW classes, especially the “gap-closing” leadership and resource management classes, are in big demand because of looming deadlines. Most of these can be taught in a classroom, BUT you have to have your courses approved by the Coast Guard, or it will be a waste of time and money for the attendees. I would consult the Coast Guard to find out what you have to do to get your proposed classes approved. That includes anything involving a simulator or computer mockup.
Hi Sean,
There are currently some remote/distance learning courses in the maritime world. To my knowledge they are 6-pack(OUPV) or 100 ton courses. I think you’re right in how it would be more convenient for mariners.
IMHO, your biggest hurdle will be Transport Canada/USCG with the course approval process. The USCG is very strict about student accountability(so much so,I have to collect and photocopy IDs at the start of every class). It’s for this reason, there are only a few approved remote courses. I agree with [B]Txh2oman’s[/B] comment about the assessments. You may want to review the NMC’s website for details on submitting courses for approvals.
Best of Luck and feel free to PM me if you have further questions,
Christine Klimkowski
Instructor and Curriculum Developer
Very good idea. I did the entire college education thing on-line, but with proctored exams. Like Saylor.org, among various other services out there.
You really have to do the course work to be successful and pass the test in this environment. You can even team up with http://www.proctoru.com, unless you want to proctor yourself, where webcam - ID verification is required, for test taking purposes. This method is gaining popularity and accepted by US Dept. of Education, and should be acceptable to the USCG. Even though my test taking and course work days are over, unless there are more rule changes, this would be a really good benefit for all mariners, and I would certainly advocate for this method of training where appropriate.