We don’t know whether he has a “drinking problem “ or not.
Big difference between having two beers and being .09 vs. being hammered after a whole bottle of scotch. and blowing 2.5.
20 years ago .10 was legal in most states, and many millions of us drove just fine for many years at .099.
The drunk driving problem has always been the problem drinkers who routinely drive when they are double or triple the legal limit. There are still a lot of those guys.
Changing it from .10 to .08 was more of a political lobbying thing, than a scientific.
The level of driving impairment at .10 is similar to simply being tired after a long day.
What’s next, .04? Some European countries are at .04. Why stop there? Why not make it 0.0? How low of a limit is enough?
There is too much that we don’t know about this guy and his DUIs before passing judgment on him.
If he blew 2.5, I hope he does six months in jail.
If he blew .09, then I hope he gets off.
If he lives in a rural area, as many of us do, he didn’t have the option of taking Uber or a taxi, or walking.
The only “safe from the cops” thing to do these days is live in a city where driving isn’t necessary, ride a horse, drive a dogsled, or be a non-drinker.
There is a big difference between being drunk driving home from a party in his car, and being drunk in the engine room.
He’s just an effin’ Oiler! How perfect does an oiler need to be? If he drinks on a ship then that is a problem, but then Chief must be drinking onboard too, and probably the Captain. That is the real problem, not this Oiler.
How many of us know Captains who are problem drinkers?
If we started eliminating all the mariners who have ever driven a car at above .08 two times, then there would not be many mariners left. Not many judges and politicians either.