[quote=Navy SWO;24506]From what I’ve been told you need one year and four reviews in the job you hire in at before you can apply to change jobs. Also need one year minimum on the east coast before you can apply to transfer to the west coast. Then you should get the transfer shortly thereafter but I heard some people even though they are working out of the west coast aren’t permanent even after 3 years.
Caveat, this is info I heard so I don’t claim it to be 100% accurate. :o
I worked for MSC as recently as october 2008 and I got a permanent west coast transfer before neo was over. Of course I was a 3rd mate but there is no requirement to work for a year as a east coast mariner just takes time.
They don’t require your old records, they have a questionaire vis-a-vis medical conditions past and present…They do an ECG, a finger wave (bend over and spread 'em:D), draw blood/urine and test same, hernia check, they require you to show proof of a very recent negative PPD or a clear chest xray, full hearing test from the sound-proof box, through eye/vision test, maybe a Spirometry Test - (lung capacity funtion) if you’re a smoker, range of motion test for your joints etc…get the picture?
[QUOTE=pwrmariner;24356]quote; AFN (America Forces Network) on all the ships.
when i was in the military stationed in Japan, the AFN was called FEN (Far East Network). We ended up calling it the “forced entertainment network”:D, and MWR normally stands for (morale, welfare, & recreation). Service members affectionately started calling it (more was to rip you off). :D[/QUOTE]
Was last in the MWR two years ago and beer was cheap ($1.50).
[QUOTE=RkyMtn Paul;24384]JDay, is that an internal link. Never stumbled across that before. Is that for after your accepted and at NEO? And, if you do your job, guesstimate on how long before actually getting promoted? Thanks for posting it.[/QUOTE]
Yes thats internal for current employees only, how fast you get promoted depends on how many people are applying. Generally getting promoted to AB is quick if you already have the rating.
[QUOTE=HawspiperJeff;24449]Can anyone elaborate what the physical was like? Do they make you sign over your medical records, cause for anyone to look at them you must give consent, also do they do a dental exam cause I am missing 2 back teeth?[/QUOTE]
All I had to do for mine was do blood work, eye/hearing tests, checked for std’s/hernia, breath into a machine, run on a treadmill and maybe one or two things I cant remember. If you’re in average shape you should be able to pass it.
[QUOTE=Navy SWO;24506]From what I’ve been told you need one year and four reviews in the job you hire in at before you can apply to change jobs. Also need one year minimum on the east coast before you can apply to transfer to the west coast. Then you should get the transfer shortly thereafter but I heard some people even though they are working out of the west coast aren’t permanent even after 3 years.
You heard wrong unless they’ve changed it in the last year. When I was at NEO they encouraged us to apply for promotions/coast change. You can get a coast change approved in 6 months to a year depending on how many are waiting in line.
[quote=HawspiperJeff;24327]As far as pensions go I heard you get 1% for every year you work, so if you work 25 years and retire you only get 25% or your check…seems kinda low?[/quote]That is the standard US Govt pension. Yes, it seems low but when you combine it with the TSP (govt version of a 401k) you can do just fine. Remember most people get either a pension or a 401k, not both.
Keep posting on the process please.I’m going to apply very soon all is in order TWIC,MMD ( QMED) ex-Navy.I would like to hear about engineering experience from anyone out there.
Yep there seems to be a constant need for below deck people.I have looked up and read about issues with people working for MSC and it seems it mostly deck / service people.I realize there are petty issues in all dept. I have never as of now heard of engineering bitching at MSC ,I know it is there.It’s a little different world down in the hole
On the MSC ships I was on the engineers were the surliest of all, and had the most ability to make everyone else miserable.
On one ship the 3rd engineer was about 4 months late getting relieved and he started making the SHT tank overflow once a week at lunch time. I think the overflow vents were on the mess deck, so it was a picnic lunch on the fantail.
On another ship the 2nd engineer was pissed that he had been turned down for some kind of leave, so every time he knew the captain was in the elevator, he would shut it off for about 10 minutes.
There’s not a whole lot that deckies can do that compares to what a pissed off engineer can do.
[quote=Marc0;24847]On the MSC ships I was on the engineers were the surliest of all, and had the most ability to make everyone else miserable.
On one ship the 3rd engineer was about 4 months late getting relieved and he started making the SHT tank overflow once a week at lunch time. I think the overflow vents were on the mess deck, so it was a picnic lunch on the fantail.
On another ship the 2nd engineer was pissed that he had been turned down for some kind of leave, so every time he knew the captain was in the elevator, he would shut it off for about 10 minutes.
There’s not a whole lot that deckies can do that compares to what a pissed off engineer can do.[/quote]
[quote=HawspiperJeff;24810]Does anyone know if MSC matches your 401k?[/quote]the TSP is an even match for the first 3%, then 1/2 for the next (I think) 2% and nothing after that.
Anyone seen any good looking girls on the boat, or just dirty old sailors like us? What are most living quarters like I know you get paid more for(can’t think of the word) open birthing??? Is it like 20 to a room? I know officers get there own room, what do the deckies get 4-8 to a room, one bathroom?
Hey all,
I’m a newbie. I am planning on joining the MSC here this fall. To give you some background, I cannot get into the militay because I have bipolar disorder. However, the MSC will take me as long as I have a 6 months supplyof medication and my doctor approves it. I am really excited. I am a true patriot and my country comes first. This is a great honor for me. I don’t want to do this for 20 years, only 3-4. However, this will help me pay for graduate school and earn a good living for myself. I have been reading some of the posts so I am going to ask some questions:
-I noticed there is internet access on board. Are we talking email only or can you communicate via facebook(which is mainly how I communicate). Is there a charge for this? Is youtube restricted and is it possible to take a video game sytem along(ps3) for down time.
-I doubt it, but is there wireless cellphone service on board?
-Is there a bar on board(don’t laugh)
-Are the meals free? Is there food 24/7.
-Is there a curfew?(again, don’t laugh)
-how does leave work? When your ship arrives in port, can you opt to part ways or is there a commitment? This is where I am confused bc I had heard before that you get months off at a time but maybe i could be wrong.
I’ll probably have more, but I am hoping maybe you all can help me find a good job and lead me in the right direction. I am interested in working with weapons and on special mission ships(btw, what exactly do they do anyways?). Also, what is this security detail, surface rescue swimmer, and how do you get involved with them?