When you go sit to test at the REC, the first thing to do is get your scratch paper and write down all the formulas and memory joggers that you can think of to reference during the rest of the exam. You cant carry it with you anywhere exept inside your head.
I need help with some “tricks” from the “old dogs” who have recently tested upper level. My application is in for Raise in Grade to 2M (old scheme), and it is only 4 modules…but as I sit here going over great circle calculations, I am thinking there is help out here, go ask for it.
Pretty obvious here…but…have a note card with your formulas. When you are putting your phone in your bag right before you walk into the test room take a good look at it, put it away, walk straight in and start writing stuff down!
The sailings are in Bowditch Vol 2. There is an example problem too. Just work the example and then you have the formula.
For 2nd Mate, you should only have to know Initial Course and Distance. I don’t think you have to know Lat of Vertex (on Great Circle).
[quote=CaptRob1;29555]The sailings are in Bowditch Vol 2. There is an example problem too. Just work the example and then you have the formula.
For 2nd Mate, you should only have to know Initial Course and Distance. I don’t think you have to know Lat of Vertex (on Great Circle).[/quote]
I think you may have latitude of vertex, just not the longitude or point along the great circle. I want to say that I studied for lat. based on the lapware database, and I did see it on 3rd.
Can anyone verify that on Lapware?
Compass least, error east - Compass best, error west
Can Dead Men Vote Twice - At Elections
True Virgins Make Dull Companions - At Weddings
Red means stop, green means go - If you see another boat’s port (red) running light and there is no other rule to tell you what to do, you should give way (“stop”), while if you see green, you should maintain course and speed (“go”).
Red Port Wine - port wine is red, so the red running light is on the left side of the boat.
Red over Red over Red
Rudder Rubbing Rocks
Red over Red
The Captain is Dead
White over White
Short tug/tow in sight
White over White over White
Long tug/tow in sight
Green over White
Trawling at night
Red Over White
Fishing at Night
White over Red
Pilot ahead
Red over Green
Sailing machine
Red over White over Red
Read When Restricted
Yellow over Yellow
A pushy inland fellow
Yellow over White
My towline is tight
Red Right Returning - Keep the red bouys on your starboard when returning from sea (US IALA B)
Red Left Port. The image is of a red-headed sailor going to sea, where he belongs (not some nasty old port). So keep the red bouys on your port side when leaving port (US IALA B)
DEMODS - Buoy numbers DEcrease MOving DownStream.
You’ll never see a nun 69 - Nun (cone-shaped) buoys always have an even number.
Blast twice short,
Turn to port
Double blast,
Starboard pass
Three in turn,
Power astern
Blast quick five
To stay alive
"Nuclear restrictions constrain fishing and sailing, people say." It is interpreted as follows:
Nuclear - Not Under Command. (“NUC” for “nuclear”).
Restricted maneuverability
Constrained by draft
Fishing vessels
Sailing vessel underway
Power-driven vessel underway
Sea Planes
You won’t use these for the test but I like:
Rain comes before the wind, sheets & halyards you must mend;
Wind comes before the rain, hoist your topsails up again.
When the wind is at your back, the low is on your left
Brown brown, run aground,
White white, you might,
Green green, nice and clean,
Blue blue, run right through.
I prefer:
Not Under Command
Constrained by Draft
Power Driven
That’s all I got to say 'bout that. (Forrest Gump)
I think it was RJB that said:
“Get straight with Nate!”
Truer words, my friend, were never spoken. Learn all the sailings out of Vol. 2 and you don’t have to memorize anything.
By the way, Azimuth, that is a rocking list!
Great post Azimuth-thanks!
And I was worried this was going to be real cheats… like the thread on writing the formulas on your thigh and wearing shorts…
This thread is much better!
Dang Azimuth!! That’s crazy! I’ll add… “If to your Starboard Red appears it’s your duty to stay clear. But Green to Green or Red to Red mean all serene so go ahead!”:eek:
[quote=john;29592]And I was worried this was going to be real cheats… like the thread on writing the formulas on your thigh and wearing shorts…
This thread is much better![/quote]
You could rename the thread [B]“Nautical Mnemonic Devices”[/B]
I wish I could take credit for them. They are just the ones that others had passed on to me over the years. Most of them I heard while I was in the Navy.
Thanks for the tips guys and gal…I am testing all next week. Inland Master AGT/ Second Mate Oceans/ 1600 ton Master. Wish me luck!
And yes Fran, I am straight with Nate!
A female graduate of a Romanian maritime academy told me that they were taught cardinal marks as follows: Russian women (east) are shaped like the two triangles with their bases together, whereas French women (west) are shaped like the two triangles together like an hourglass.
[quote=anchorman;29569]I think you may have latitude of vertex, just not the longitude or point along the great circle. I want to say that I studied for lat. based on the lapware database, and I did see it on 3rd.
Can anyone verify that on Lapware?[/quote]
No lat. of vertex on 2nd Mate, just initial course and distance of great circle, and mercator questions. I am using lapware.
Several people I know who have recently tested for 2nd Mate oceans only had: one 3 star fix, sunset/sunrise, lat. by polaris, Azimuth of planet/star, pitch/slip problem, find HO of planet, gnomonic chart question, chronometer error, and 2 star identification and no great circle or mercator questions.
[quote=rjbpilot;29641]Thanks for the tips guys and gal…I am testing all next week. Inland Master AGT/ Second Mate Oceans/ 1600 ton Master. Wish me luck!
And yes Fran, I am straight with Nate![/quote]
RJB, Do us proud, good luck man !
[quote=rjbpilot;29643]No lat. of vertex on 2nd Mate, just initial course and distance of great circle, and mercator questions. I am using lapware.
Several people I know who have recently tested for 2nd Mate oceans only had: one 3 star fix, sunset/sunrise, lat. by polaris, Azimuth of planet/star, pitch/slip problem, find HO of planet, gnomonic chart question, chronometer error, and 2 star identification and no great circle or mercator questions.[/quote]
I tested in Dec/Jan for Master 1600. It wasn’t a Lat of Vertex but I had a question that ask at what Longitude the Great Circle Route would cross the equator. I was given the start Lat & Long and the Distance I believe.
Good luck Stately!
Thanks Mately!
Yes, that was one of the gnomonic chart problems for route planning using either chart WOXZC 5270 OR 5274. I have been studying them on Lapware.