Memory Cheats

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Well, that answers the other question. You have to know the latitude of the vertex to figure out longitude.

I wish I could remember the exact wording. Maybe someone on here is familiar with it and could post. I had not come across it until test time which is not when you want to see something for the first time.

I don’t think so captain. I had a gnomonic problem as well. In this Great Circle question there was no reference to the gnomonic chart. The initial Long was somewhere in the east around 110E. The answer was somewhere around 165W.

Well Here ya go I got it made. Took me 2 hrs to do. I had to remember where everything went it’s been so long since I made this. As you can see I have added the Mast Light Arc Degrees For Port Starboard, Stern to make up the 360*

[I]Cheat Sheet/Study Sheet/Memory Sheet What ever you want to call it. This is what I was studying this sheet over an over an copied it over an over till I remembered it, when It came to test time they give you one sheet of scratch paper to use, I put it on there.

You can Download the Full Version Below cause Its not going to show full size.

Just click on the regular download button. Got to wait like 25 secs. an then it will download.

that sheet looks a little like the one that Willie Long at Sea School used to give out.

Wow … Thank you … very helpful !

Interesting chart of rules. Except that some of them are … not quite right. Among them:

Sailboats to windward do not have the right of way.
Vessels towing do not sound the fog signal mentioned.
Vessel being towed does not sound the signal mentioned.
Vessel aground does not show the lights mentioned.
The inland signal of one and two shorts blasts means “I intend to leave you on my on my port/starboard side”

[quote=PMC;29770]Interesting chart of rules. Except that some of them are WRONG!!!

Sailboats to windward do not have the right of way.
Vessels towing do not sound the fog signal mentioned.
Vessel being towed does not sound the signal mentioned.
Vessel aground does not show the lights mentioned.

So did you pass?[/quote]

Sorry I have the leeward backwards. I will fix that an repost the picture

Tow is on there for fog signal under the Engaged in fishing.
[B]prescribed in paragraph © of this Rule.
(e) A vessel towed or if more than one vessel is towed the last vessel of
the tow, if manned, shall at intervals of not more than 2 minutes sound four
blasts in succession, namely one prolonged followed by three short blasts.
When practicable, this signal shall be made immediately after the signal[/B]
vessel aground is on there.

(d) A vessel aground shall exhibit the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) or
(b) of this Rule and in addition, where they can best be seen:
(i) two all-round red lights in a vertical line;
(ii) three balls in a vertical line.

Aground lights are at top between NUC an TOW

An yes I have My license

Ok I did fix it . Thanks . I was in a hurry an also it has been a while since I have made it out, that was back in 2006

For 10Talents, it was has been quite a few years since I tested for my Master, but from what I remember about those problems, there were no formula’s involved. It was basically 90 degrees of longitude (DLO) in the direction you were going. They should have given a course.
110 E and you should have been on an easterly course, so that would make the answer 160 W.
Atleast that is how it was explained to me.