And he will recieve an honorary doctorate from the college.
He is the last person that I would want to give a commencement speech…But I bet there is some money for the training ship if he speaks…
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How can you get an honorary doctorate from a school that doesn’t offer normal doctorates?
All I know is if I were to be in the audience listing, I’d want to be wearing a rubber suit so I can hose off the shyte he says in his address.
[QUOTE=Capt. Phoenix;64349]How can you get an honorary doctorate from a school that doesn’t offer normal doctorates?[/QUOTE]
Well, Capt. Phoenix. I suppose it’s the “doesn’t offer normal doctorates” thingy.
Aha!!! You have stumbled upon one of the quirks of academia… They can create most any reason for self promotion, as long as it furthers the alma mater! Even if it is not really necessary or prudent. As long as it makes the school look good all is well.
[QUOTE=c.captain;64358]All I know is if I were to be in the audience [B][U]listing[/B][/U], I’d want to be wearing a rubber suit so I can hose off the shyte he says in his address.[/QUOTE]
Start your morning with a V-8, I hear it will straighten you right up.
We had the Mar Administrator at my graduation (I can’t even remember his name) … Booooooooring! The one redeeming quality of choker whites, if you sit right they will hold your up while you nap.