First off, thanks gCaptain and everyone here for your endless supply of quality info that can’t be found elsewhere!
I’m currently researching an upgrade from a Master 100/200 Mate N/C to Master 500. I am curious about the NMC’S checklist for Master 500 that requires [B]RFPNW Assessments [/B][B]ONLY[/B]. Does anyone understand what this means? I do have sea time (not logged as standing watch with OICNW though) that qualifies me for RFPNW but, I was never signed off on the assessments by a Shipboard Assessor.
The sea time requirements for Master 500 are obviously different than RFPNW. So, can I complete my assessments on a simulator and satisfy the [B]RPFPNW Assessments ONLY[/B] requirement on the 500 checklist.
I have that same question. I just want to add, has anyone taken the simulator training at MPT in Ft. Lauderdale? Will that class count for the assesments?
MPT offers RFPNW for $795.00. Just make sure it is accepted for upgrade. The course schedule lists two RFPNW, one is a class for ABs and the other is assessments only. I have taken several classes there and it is a very good school, and their simulator is very impressive.
The reason only RFPNW assessments are required is that the Coast Guard has not yet published required assessments for Chief Mate/Master on vessels between 500 GT ITC and 3,000 GT ITC.
You can do the assessments on a simulator only if the school has prior approval from the NMC to do them. These schools will be listed on the course approval section of NMC’s web page under the course name “RFPNW Assessment.”
Thanks for the info, jdcavo. I also have seatime that falls within the requirements for RFPNW. Since I have the seatime and I will be completeing the assessments for Master 500 will I qualify for RFPNW as an STCW compliant A/B? I am guessing no but, I just wanted to make sure I read 14/02 right.
I am trying to knock out some classes before the new laws to get my 500. I was wondering the same thing about rfpnw sea tim I have the days, but nothing over 100grt. I have plenty of days according to the checklist for the 500, but how do get around the tonnage for rfpnw? please help!!!
I reciently re-tested to reinstate my licenses: 500 ton mate NC, 100 ton master NC, AB Unlimited Anywaters, Lifeboatman. I was first issued these back in the early - mid 1980’s, then I took a long hiatus from the profession prior to the “changes”. I do not have OICNW, STCW, BST, RFPNW, TOAR…
Alot of my time was over 100 ton, also alot of offshore tugs. I have worked as licensed and unlicensed mate and small vessel captain.Origionally I had the Oceans endorsement, but I choose not to renew that at this time as I self-studied (with lapware and capt joe) to re-test and needed to avoid the cost of classes.
I am hoping to get back to work as an AB and take classes etc. as I can. However, I cannot at this time take a bunch of expensive courses.
What can I now do with these licenses without the additional endorsements? What are my employment possibilities??
I apologise if these are redundant questions, I am just not able to get my head around these details.
And I thank you all profussly for your time and help!
Finally got the RFPNW “Assessments Only” completed at MPT. Piece of cake. Simulator was pretty impressive. Now just waiting for the approval to test letter.