Maritime tools

Anybody here who have used one of these lately?:

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Yes. I made a repair to a saddle a couple of weeks ago. Still got an assortment of sailmakers needles. We had a canvas business in our town until the owner retired about 20 years ago. He had been an apprentice sailmaker on the *Grace Havar, a Cape Horner in the last grain race.


Still have one in my ditty bag. Useful when sewing a whipping on a splice.

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I used one not too long ago, but I’m also a blow boater in my spare time.

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Here’s mine. I use it regularly eg whipping braided cordage which is preferable to the more routine butane backsplice.

Mmmmmm. I should also get some cream on those hands.


Got one in my ditty bag! Even better, it is a left-handed palm.

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