Am new to the forum and I enjoy reading all of the posts. I need some advise for a career move. I’m former USN, (Electronics Technician), with 16 years active duty. I took the VSI and have been receiving
a small payment since the early 90’s. I have been bouncing around the contracting world, along with lots of civilian corporate electronics work repair work. In 2006 I joined MSC as an RET and I worked in radio for 5 years, but the MMC for that job is basic entry level.
When I tried to go for the MSC position of Electronics Tech, my lack of engineering background held me back and I ran into brick walls concerning OJT.
I left MSC and have worked in Afghanistan for 3 years, but now MSC is not hiring more RETs, as I’m done with the war.
So I’m ready to go to Seattle Maritime for a year and get five QMED ratings along with some experience. I have done auto mechanics and gotten my hands dirty.
As a double nickel (55yo) in good health, what are my options after this is done? What is the best path to take? MSC is hiring engineering types, but are there more options? This engineering is all new to me: DDE, OSV, ect.
All I want is a decent salary ( high five figure or mid six) with overtime if possible, and a 3 or 4 month on, 1 off rotation.
I’m willing to work and study for that. That’s what I had with MSC and Afghanistan. I will retire overseas, (Phils, Thailand or Africa) so I want to be able to put money away. I have the bug and like to be gone, and I have no family or home in the states anymore.
Also, what jobs out there can incorporate engineering with my electronics background to make me more $$. I have an FCC license, GMDSS and networking certifications and experiance.
In other words : with what you know now-what would you do?
Thanks for any advise, GS