Sorry for having to ask this but it will be another week before I get off the boat to see Capt Bruce at Fletcher and I need to study.
I am doing Leeway problems, When I am looking for Gyro course steered to make the true course good, It t seems like I add when the wind is on my starboard side and subtract when the wind is on my port side for the leeway. But when I am looking for the True course made good it seems like I subtract if the wind is starboard side and add if the wind is on my port for leeway. Is this correct or is there another way to know if you add or subtract leeway.
Here are 2 questions one from each quiz.
You are steering 154 pgc. The wind is southwest causing 4 leeway. The gyro error is 3 East, variation is 11 West and the devaiation is 7 East. What is the true course made good?
This one I subtract with the wind on my Starboard and it come’s out the right answer wich is 153 True
The true course between two points is 119. Your gyro compass has a error of 3 East. You allow 4 leeway for a south-southwest wind. What gyro course should be steered to make the true course good?
This one to get the right answer I added for the leeway coming from my starboard side to get the answer of 120 pgc which is the correct answer
Thank you for your time