Does anyone know the reason inland personel can’t transfer to the offshore side at Kirby? I can’t get a straight answer from the office. I know they have hired some new people on the offshore side so why not let inland guys move over to offshore?
What position are you looking for? I know they need mates
Because they would have to pay you more. And, without recency it’s pretty useless.
Also because the offshore is comprised of three companies if you work for allied you can’t switch to Ksea boats same. Each company is under the Kirby umbrella for now
I would assume the obvious reason is because of endorsements. You need to at least have near coastal on your MMC to sail outside. I’ve been told KOM has open door policy concerning inter division transfers. I know it happens within the offshore divisions. Have yet to see anyone come over from inland.
I have an AB with BST… and a os or definately an AB position offshore will pay more than a canal/river tankerman position.
Depends on the division.
It’s because you will get sea sick.
[QUOTE=Tuglyfe33;108075]I would assume the obvious reason is because of endorsements. You need to at least have near coastal on your MMC to sail outside. I’ve been told KOM has open door policy concerning inter division transfers. I know it happens within the offshore divisions. Have yet to see anyone come over from inland.[/QUOTE]
I heard from Ed Pickman, KOM’s HR manager, formerly of K-Sea, not so very long ago that transferring between divisions was quite common. I could only imagine that if there was some impediment going from inland to offshore that what was said before was correct and it would either be because A) NC vs. inland endorsements, or B) they think everyone from the inland division will get sea sick.