Just starting out

I just graduated from MMA. Any tips for a new 3rd mate? also, anyone know any companies that will hire straight out of school besides MSC? job market is lookin rough…

It’s not that bad, look around a bit!

MMA as in “Maine” or “Mass”?

Not that it should make a difference since the paperwork is the same. Both these schools have great placement services and employer open houses. How did that go for you?
Did you do an internship? Always good to leverage that experience and the contacts you made.

Good luck.

Unions. MMP - jobs are tight. MEBA - jobs are tight. AMO - jobs.

Non-union. Sealift, Inc. Bouchard (tugs and ATBs). OSG.

MSC is a good place to get some experience and seatime. Don’t knock it.

[QUOTE=RichMadden;72095]Unions. MMP - jobs are tight. MEBA - jobs are tight. AMO - jobs.

Non-union. Sealift, Inc. Bouchard (tugs and ATBs). OSG.

MSC is a good place to get some experience and seatime. Don’t knock it.[/QUOTE]

I actually have an offer with MSC and will go if I have to… but I kinda got responsibilities back home and the whole MSC schedule isnt gonna work. Does Bouchard hire directly from the academys?

[QUOTE=bnc995;72063]I just graduated from MMA. Any tips for a new 3rd mate? also, anyone know any companies that will hire straight out of school besides MSC? job market is lookin rough…[/QUOTE]

First decide what exactly you are looking for. Rigs, OSVs, Union work, etc. etc. If you are interested in Rig stuff, send me a pm.

[QUOTE=bnc995;72063]I just graduated from MMA. Any tips for a new 3rd mate? also, anyone know any companies that will hire straight out of school besides MSC? job market is lookin rough…[/QUOTE]

Dear Recent MMA Graduate,
Is this not your second post within 24 hours inquiring about employment possibilities. Did you just get sober enough to realize you had graduated from some kinda school and maybe, just maybe might need to find something to do now that no one was telling you what to do? This education you just got cost someone a helluva a lot of money, has it just now occurred to you that such an investment might require a little work on your part in acquiring gainful employment so as to utilize this education? While sitting around with your mates the last year did you discuss WTF you were going to do? Did you contact employers in your senior year and let them know your highly educated and motivated ass was going to be available? Did you tell them you’d do damn near anything because you didn’t know shit about how to find a job because they didn’t have a class on that?
I’d suggest you apply with one of the major drillers and see if they need a roughneck or go down to the bayou and try to get a job as a AB. If you are successful in lasting a year on either job you’ll never have to look for another job because you’ll have earned respect. It’s time you got an education.
Good luck to you.

He should have spent the last 5 or 6 years reading gCaptain.

[QUOTE=tengineer;72136]Dear Recent MMA Graduate,
Is this not your second post within 24 hours inquiring about employment possibilities. Did you just get sober enough to realize you had graduated from some kinda school and maybe, just maybe might need to find something to do now that no one was telling you what to do? This education you just got cost someone a helluva a lot of money, has it just now occurred to you that such an investment might require a little work on your part in acquiring gainful employment so as to utilize this education? While sitting around with your mates the last year did you discuss WTF you were going to do? Did you contact employers in your senior year and let them know your highly educated and motivated ass was going to be available? Did you tell them you’d do damn near anything because you didn’t know shit about how to find a job because they didn’t have a class on that?
I’d suggest you apply with one of the major drillers and see if they need a roughneck or go down to the bayou and try to get a job as a AB. If you are successful in lasting a year on either job you’ll never have to look for another job because you’ll have earned respect. It’s time you got an education.
Good luck to you.[/QUOTE]

Damn, in retrospect that sounded a little harsh. Guess I had a bad day.

[QUOTE=tengineer;72180]Damn, in retrospect that sounded a little harsh. Guess I had a bad day.

Nawh…you hit it square on and drove that 16p sinker in with one blow of your 24oz framer! Keep hammerin teng…

Man… Why don’t you have one of us fill out an application for you? There’s a little section called Maritime Employment, everyday I see new stuff posted in there, use it. No wonder people hate academy guys so much…

Ryan we don’t “hate” all academy guys. It’s just a pisser when they don’t even try to use some of the smarts we know they have. You spent four years going to school for this. At some point you guys had to realize you we’re going to have to get the job you trained for. They stumble across this site and don’t attempt to research. Especially the header that says maritime employment. Harassing the FNG is something we all do. At this point in his career it’s all about paying dues. Catching a little grief from the older guys is part of it. Especially when it’s warranted.

[QUOTE=bnc995;72063]anyone know any companies that will hire straight out of school besides MSC? job market is lookin rough…[/QUOTE]

I hate to keep jumping on top of you kid but you oviously need to learn some hard lessons here…

WHAT THE EFF IS WRONG WITH WORKING FOR MSC FOR CHRIST’S SAKE! It is going to sea as an officer which I am assuming you went to MMA to learn how to do, it is at a good wage for a 20 something snot nose to make and it is actually serving the USN in a peripheral sense. You’ll even get to upgrade your pathetic little 3M license as well, WHAT THE HELL MORE DO YOU WANT?

In the bad days when there was really no work out there even MSC was not hiring. Be effing glad that they are today and don’t come back here with any more whining about the job market being rough…YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT ROUGH IS!

Note to self - Have a game plan for after graduation. Or face the wrath of c.capt pointy stick.

@ Jetryder223 -

You’re here reading, good start.
You’re trying to stay below the radar, good idea.
Now, do VERY good in school and your off and running!!

(And doesn’t the Gov’t already have a game plan for you?)

[QUOTE=Jetryder223;72221]Note to self - Have a game plan for after graduation. Or face the wrath of c.capt pointy stick.[/QUOTE]

Good lad…you’ll go far and will be welcome on my ship anytime. I’ll even let you go get me a fresh cup of coffee!

[QUOTE=seadog!;72243]@ Jetryder223 -
(And doesn’t the Gov’t already have a game plan for you?)[/QUOTE]

Nope. I’m going to a State school not a Federal Academy so options are wide open. I could enroll in the SIP program which would give $8000 a year toward school but then I’d be committed to a stint in the service. Thinking shipping commercial is a better career path.

Would you like that with cream & sugar Captain?

My bad, assumed CT meant CG Academy.