I am desperately seeking employment in the Portland Oregon area, but will travel. I currently have my STCW, Tankerman PIC, Hazwopper, Proficiency in survival craft, AB, RFPNW, A Coast Guard certified training ship program which I earned 380 days of sea time, and my OUPV. I also earned a 200 ton masters certificate but still need qualifying sea time. I just graduated at the top of my class from Clatsop Community College with an AAS in Vessel operations on June 10, 2016, so I have not applied for licenses yet. I also own a 30ft sailboat that I’ve acquired sea time on, as well as some open ocean fishing experience. I may qualify for my 100 ton masters, and will find out soon. Looking for a good company that will take me under their wing and help me advance. Any advice or help would mean the world to me and my family. Thank you for taking the time to read this. My email is ronniecrabmanwilson@gmail.com
couple openings in your area. You won’t be setting the world on fire but its something till something better comes along.
scripps looking for an ab to be on new built vessel in anacortes by 6/28. get yr resume to them asap by email.
Congratulations on your hard work at school. Many a mate and future mate has gone to the SUP
and sailed unlicensed for a while. The Vice President of the Union has a mates license, the last
business agent in Wilmington has a mates license, the standby AB for APL in Los Angeles actually
retired from MMP. Check out the pay in “West Coast Sailors” if you have any doubt about the possibility
to stash some money away. Now if you have your heart set on being a mate now I understand; you have
worked hard for it. I wish you success.