Recent graduate looking for work

I just graduated from Clatsop Community College with an AAS in vessel operations on June 10,2016. I also graduated from their Coast Guard certified Ships program. I graduated with high honors, and was honored by the school for my accomplishments. Since I have just graduated, I have not applied for any licenses yet. I earned my OUPV, STCW, AB, Lifeboatman, RFPNW, Tankerman PIC, Hazwopper, 200 ton master, and marine weather, tides, and currents certificates. I acquired 380 days sea time from the school on a 50 ton vessel, and finished my RFPNW on a 750 ton vessel. I also have owned my own 30ft sailboat for 5 years now and sail as much as possible. I’ve worked in the fishing industry off, and on throughout my life. I am currently 48, and desperately seeking help in finding employment. Could you please help me?

The Sailors Union of the Pacific has a hall in Seattle. You
can ship MSC, Chevron, APL, and Matson. Do not mention Gcaptain.
Say you read about how great they are while studying in school.

MSRC is always looking for relief ABs. Hazwopper is big on your resume. They may have openings in WA if I remember right.